Chapter 8

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(A/N- heyy guys! It's been long since I updated this book but I received a request to update so here we go! You guys know the drill so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!)

-Izuku POV-

Me and Kachaan end up having a good game of tag before we reached his house. Kachaan opens the door and motions me o get in.

Once we get in, we are greeted by Auntie Mitsubishi and she gives me a bear hug. I hug her back and then she lets go of me.

"Hello Izuku, how are you doing? It's been quite a while since you came over."

"Hello Auntie, I am doing fine thank you. It really has been long."

"How is your mother doing?"

I knew that she would ask so I came prepared.

"She is doing fine, she is still on her business trip though."

"If you do need any help, you can call us. You know I have told you that many times Izuku."

"I am managing it fine Auntie. Thank you."

She just smiles and then looks at Kachaan.

" Come on brat and take your dear boyfriend to your room."

"Shut up Old hag."

"I will call you two down for dinner once it's ready."

"Okay Auntie."

"Whatever Old hag."

I chuckle and then follow Kachaan as we both head upstairs to his room. As we reach his room, I look around and see that there is not much of a change since the last time I came over.

Maybe a little bit messier but a lot more the same. He puts his bag near his desk and then sits down on his bed. He pats his bed and motions me to come and sit as well.

I sit down and then he holds my hand. I look at him and smile.

"Hey Izu?"

"Yes Kachaan?"

"Can we make one promise to each other?"

"Sure! What is it?"

He grabs both my hands and then looks at me in the eyes.

"Promise me that we will not hide anything from each other, no matter what it is. That we will always be in each others side."

I look at him in surprise and just stare at him. I don't know how he is going to react once he finds out about 'that' or the fact that mom is dead.

He knows that there is something wrong but he does not know what. How will he react once he does find out? He is-


"Oh- sorry Kachaan, I was thinking about something."

"I know what you were thinking about Izu."

"What do you mean?"

Does he already know? How did he find out?

"You were thinking about whatever it was that you were hiding from me and trying to figure out how I would react if I found out, am I right?"

I try to speak but no words come out. He gives a sad smile as he already got his answer from my silence.

"Whatever it is Izu, tell me when you are ready to do so but please promise me that you won't hide how you truly feel from me."

"I promise."

"You promise what Izu?"

"I promise that I won't hide how I truly feel from you Kachaan."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 {𝐁𝐤𝐝𝐤}Where stories live. Discover now