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(A/N- hey guys! I am back again and this time, my exams are finally over! Today was the last exam which was math and now I am finally free! I am also planning to start a new book as well so stay tuned! Anyways, Music is above and chapter below so let's get the tape rollin')

-4 years later-

-Katsuki POV-

I am currently heading back to my home after patrol, the cool breeze whipping right on my face and the warm evening glow of the sun ahead of me. I finally reach a small house that has a mini garden in the front and a fencing around it. The house was a light yellow in color with a red roof and white window sills. There were potted plants filled with red poppies that were placed on the window sill,giving the house a very vibrant and inviting look. This was our home.

I unlock the front door, get inside and then shut the door behind me.

"I am back!"

I yell and soon, I hear footsteps approach me. A green haired boy comes up to him and gives him a small peck on the lips.

"Welcome back Kachaan!"

Yup, that's my fucking nerd and no one else's. We had graduated from UA and got our hero license, I becoming a limelight hero while Izuku works as an underground hero. He truly is happy to be one and that makes me more fucking happy to see him smile.

Ever wondered what happened to the so-called dekusquad? Well, turns out that they had been taken hostage by the league of villains and then brainwashed to do what they wished them to do. Luckily, we managed to fucking save them and they apologized to Izuku as well even if it was not their fault.

"Kachaan! Go and freshen up!"

I chuckle as the he crosses his arms and glares at me. He looks so cute but heck, he is like a mom but a very scary one.


"Fine nerd, I am going."

I head upstairs and get in the bathroom to freshen up. It has been one heck of a year but I fucking loved every moment of it. Especially since I finally proposed to Izuku. Fuck yeah, we are engaged now. I still remember that day as if it happened just yesterday.


I pull Izuku to a hidden spot  through the cave and motion him to follow me. He follows me and soon, we reach the end of the cave. I come out and he comes up behind me.

"Wow Kachaan, what is this place? It is so beautiful."

He says in awa as he admires the evening skies that had a splash of red yellow and orange, the beautiful cherry blossom trees around us that were glowing a shade of red from the reflection of the evening sun. All in all, it was a beautiful place but not as beautiful as Izuku.

Izuku looks up and walks forward to get a better view and I take out a box and kneel behind him.

"Izuku, turn around."

He turns around and then gasps in surprise as he sees me kneel down with a box that had a beautiful silver ring with a crimson red stone on the top.

"Izuku Midoriya, you are the most kind hearted person that I have ever met and I am really grateful. I never thought that you would ever forgive me for bullying you but you did. I don't know what I did to deserve you but I must have done something right to get you. You are like a ray of sunshine in my world when I am in darkness and I would love to fucking have you with me forever. So Izuku, will you marry me?"

He starts to tear up and then hugs me hard, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Yes! I will marry you!"

I start to tear up a little and soon we are hugging each other and crying tears of joy. Suddenly, Izuku giggles and I look at him in confusion.

"Kachaan, I never expected to ever hear you say something like that to anyone."

"Well nerd, you are an exception and it is you only."

He giggles and then we kiss. It was a long, deep but passionate kiss. As they part, they look at each other, smile and soon, fall asleep on each other as they look at the starry night.

-End of Flashback-

I step out of the shower and put on my clothes. Once I am done, I leave the bathroom and head downstairs. I see Izuku in the living room, putting on his gloves that were a part of his hero outfit. He must have heard me as he turns around towards me and gives me a smile.

"Hey Kachaan! The food is ready and is placed on the table so you just need to go and eat. I may be home late but don't worry too much about it."

I walk up to him and wrap my hands around his waist. I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"Tomorrow is our day and we both are going to fucking enjoy it just the two of us, okay?"

He giggles and nods his head.

"Of course Kachaan. Now, go and eat!"

"Okay and bye Nerd."

"Bye Kachaan!"

"Stay safe Nerd. You still are mine."

"I know Kachaan, I know. You too as well."

He smiles and then leaves the house, closing the door behind him. This was our routine. We always had it like this but every Sunday's and Thursday's were our days. We had decided that on these two days, we would spend our whole time with each other since we barely have any time with each other due to me being a limelight hero and him being an underground hero. We are still happy with the time we get and enjoy every moment of it.

I have my food at the table, rinse the dishes and then go upstairs to complete some paperwork. It was 7pm right now and I continue to finish up until darkness suddenly envelopes my vision and everything fades to black.

-3rd POV-

It is 2am in the morning when Izuku returns from his patrol. He goes upstairs and to the bedroom that him and Katsuki share. He gets in and sees Katsuki, fast asleep, with his head laid down on his desk, on top of all the papers. Izuku chuckles silently and makes his way to the bathroom. He showers, gets changed and then makes his way over to Katsuki. He picks up the sleeping Katsuki and gently puts him on the bed. He takes the blanket and wraps it around Katsuki, deciding that maybe he should just complete some paperwork before going to sleep.

Izuku gets up or should I say, almost does when he is held down by an arm that had wrapped itself around his waist.

"Don't go Zuzu, stay with me."

Izuku chuckles silently, thinking how cute Katsuki is and gets back in the bed. They both cuddle against each other, both of them comforted against the warmth and presence of the other.

"Goodnight Kachaan."

"Goodnight Nerd."

-The End-

(A/N- hey guys! That is the end and I hope you guys enjoyed this story! Thanks to all those who were with me till the end. I will see you all again in my next book so until next time! Bye!)

(1255 Words)

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