Chapter 10

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(A/N- hey guys! I am back again with another chapter! I can't believe that this book reached 300 reads so quickly! Music is above and the chapter is below so let's get rolling!)

-Izuku POV-

I wake up to find myself in the living room, laying down on the couch. I must have dozed off from last night's movie night without realizing. I can't believe that Kachaan and Auntie Mitsuki still would like to have me and also told me to stay with them. I don't think I even deserve it at all.

I get up from the couch and then realize that I had been sleeping on Kachaan's lap. I blush a little and then look at Kachaan, making sure that he was still asleep. I quietly go upstairs and go to the bathroom. I look at the mirror and sigh at myself. I don't see what Kachaan even loves about me. I don't even look that good and he has many other people who look better than me. He would have been better off with someone more better looking than me.

"I really do look so-"

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful."

I stop in shock as I notice Kachaan leaning against the frame of the door with his arms crossed. I try to speak but the words don't come out. He walks up to me and gives me a hug. I hug him back tightly as if I was afraid that if I let go, he is going to go away.

"Izuku you are beautiful and you're mine."

I can't help but giggle as he smiles at me warmly. That smile is a very rare sight to see and it does almost feel magical.

"Kachaan, you should really smile more. It is really beautiful."

He just blushes and looks away with his hand covering his face. I chuckle and turn his face towards me, a sudden boldness rushing inside of me.

"Aww Kachaan, don't cover up your face like that! You look cute and you are mine."

He just turns more redder and I can't help but push him against the closed door. I put one hand on his waist and put both of hir hands above his head with my other hand. He just looks startled as he processes what just happened and I look into those deep crimson eyes.


He stutters, still trying to figure out what just happened. Just as his face looks at me with realization, I kiss him. It was a deep and passionate kiss that was filled with a lot of love and warmth. Our lips fit together like a puzzle piece that was put together. I lick his bottom lip and ask for entrance but get denied immediately. I break the kiss and smile at him as he blushes harder. Before he could recover, I start placing small kisses on his neck. A moan escapes from his mouth as I continue to give more kisses on his neck.


I don't stop and I continue to go on until I hit his sweet spot. He starts to moan from the pleasure as Icontinue to tease that spot.


I stop and then kiss him back again on the lips. I ask again for entrance and this time, he granted it almost immediately. I slide tongue through as I explore each and every corner of his mouth, savoring his taste. We both break the kiss, panting as we try to catch our breath. As he catches his breath, I immediately attack his neck again, sucking and leaving little marks behind as he moans from the pleasure. I continue to suck his sweet spot, enjoying his moans and then slowly let my hand go under his shirt and crawl up his back, making him gasp.


I finally stop and look at the work I have done with a proud smile on my face. Kachaan looks really good with his face all red and panting. He regains his breath and looks at me as I let go of his hands. I can't help but chuckle as he just blushes harder.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 {𝐁𝐤𝐝𝐤}Where stories live. Discover now