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"This is an absolutely stupid idea!" a man said frustratingly as he walked with the other two men.

"Well, people do stupid things for love anyway." Another man said it with a smile.

"How the fuck do you fall in love with someone in just one week, Marius?"

"People fall in love at first sight! For me, it still took six days, Simon."

"More like one good fuck."

"Well, that could also be said, Zhan." Marius said with a smile as the three walked on the shore of the beach, with the cold wind hitting their bodies and the beautiful view gracing their sight.

Simon sighed and said, "So that woman just shed some tears in front of you, and you just wanted to help her?!"

"That stupid woman can be your sister-in-law, you idiot. You better behave; besides, she was really pitiful, and I really wanted to help her!"

Zhan shook his head and said, "Are you really going to marry her?"

"Maybe not, but as you guys know, I am a gentleman, and I can't tolerate when beautiful women cry in front of me or when they are being tortured. I can't help but try to save them."

Simon spoke, "Yeah, yeah, what a hero you are, and in payment, they give you a good fuck."

"Well, everything has its pros and cons, you know." Marius replied, "And it's not like I am forcing them, they willingly do that."

Zhan spoke, "So apparently this woman that you had 'lust' at first sight with is being abused by her husband, and so we are going to teach him a lesson?"

Marius nodded. "Yes, we are! Since I am getting bored and my hands are itching anyway, it would be good to take care of him. And please tell me, When are we going back home?"

Simon replied, "Well, the deal with Mr. Nelson is almost done, and the negotiating and contracting are also done; all that's left is signing the contract, and then we can leave."

"Thank god."

This woman in question was named Tina, she was a kind and beautiful woman indeed, , she was well and soft spoken and had a charm about her, she was friendly and open-minded, he was fun to be around and both Simon and Zhan had met her, and she seemed nice.

At least she didn't look like a gold digger, she was well-mannered and rather sweet. Hence  Marius wanted to help her.

And Marius was the psycho, violence lover brother he had no problem in getting his hands a little dirty and the other two just followed his lead.

While the other two talked, Zhan looked at the sea and the black clouds can on top of it, right now they were at a small island by the name of Nolani. It was a very small but beautiful island with beautiful scenery and a sea view, vast forests, and some really exotic species of plants and animals.

The population of the island was also very small, and over all, this was a very peaceful place where people could come to relax, and that is what Zhan and his two brothers were doing here. Relaxing as well as working.

The air on the island was fresh and cold, but overall, Zhan felt refreshed. Being a part of the business and field where he was constantly busy with work, dealing with people that he didn't really like and also seeing bloodshed, this was a breath of fresh air. While he was here for an important deal, he was still enjoying the beauty of this place.

However, just like everything has a good side and a bad side, this place had a bad side as well, and that was that it was prone to tsunamis and earthquakes, which could be really dangerous.

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