Chapter 39.

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Zhan had called Yibo, but the latter was not answering, which was something that was not common at all.

But he didn't think much, he also texted Yibo but it had been an hour and the latter hadn't replied yet, which was also not very common.

It was eight in the morning and he was getting ready for the office, eager to see his baby cheeks, but for some reason, he felt that something was wrong, however, he didn't really pay attention to it.

After getting ready, he called Yibo again, and once again there was no answer. During breakfast, he called him again, and after calling him the sixth time and not getting any answer, Zhan knew something was wrong.

"What happened?" Marius asked when he saw Zhan's expression, and he replied, "Yibo is not answering my calls."

Marius rolled his eyes and said, "He must be busy; he will answer soon."

Simon and his  parents smiled as well, as they didn't think Zhan's worries were valid, however, Zhan said, "I have been calling him since morning, and he has not answered at all, he hasn't even replied to my texts, this is not normal, and he has never done this before."

This made others a little bit serious too.

Simon said, "Why don't you try calling his dad?"

"Ah... yes," Zhan said, and called Yibo's dad and he answered.

"Good morning Uncle, where is Yibo? He is not answering my calls." Zhan asked.

"Zhan." Yibo's father said and his voice sounded urgent and worried which made Zhan even more anxious, "Yibo has locked himself in his room, is not answering me, and is not opening the door as well. He is not saying anything and I am getting worried, it has been an hour."

Zhan immediately got up from his seat, his heart beating rapidly, the others also stood up and Zhan said, "I am going to be there, uncle as soon as I can, you keep on trying to talk to him."

"What happened?" Simon asked.

"He has locked himself in his room and is not opening the door." Zhan said, "I am going there."

"I will come too," Simon added.

"Me too."

"Zhan, inform us once you reach him," his mother asked and Zhan gave her nod.


Once they reached the house, Yibo's father let them in and Zhan ran towards Yibo's room, knocked on his door, and tried to maintain his calm as he said, "Yibo open the door, it's Zhan."

There was no answer, Zhan knocked again, this time harder, "Yibo, say something dear! Open the door, please."

Zhan pleaded and his patience was running thin He clenched his fists and banged at the door, "Open the damn door, Yibo!" he banged harder, "Yibo, please open the door."

Yibo's father tried knocking as well, "Son, what happened? Open the door, talk to me, Yibo."

"Yibo I am getting really angry right now, if you do not open this door, then I am going to break it." Zhan said sternly his voice was cold and all the gentleness was gone. This was the first time he had talked in such a tone with Yibo, the first time he had used such a threatening tone was when he and Yibo had met first time on that island.

Zhan waited for some time but with every second it was getting harder and harder to control himself, at this point he just wanted to break the damn door, "I am going to count till 10."

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