Chapter 3.

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Zhan didn't know when it was that he fell asleep, but when he opened his eyes and came to his senses, he realized that there was something on his shoulder. He looked to his side and saw that Yibo had kept his head on Zhan's shoulder; he was probably asleep.

Zhan moved a little forward so that he would be able to see Yibo's face, and the man really looked peaceful while sleeping. Zhan also looked around and saw that the rain had stopped. Which was good. He grabbed his phone and looked at the time; it was four in the morning.

The phone only had one percent battery, and still, there was no network.

He gently woke up Yibo, who rubbed his eyes as he yawned and looked at Zhan. "Are you alright?"

Zhan nodded. "The rain has stopped; we should move."

"But it's so dark," Yibo said as he looked around.

"Are you afraid of the dark?"

Yibo looked at Zhan and said defensively, "No, but we would not be able to see properly in the dark, right?"

Zhan nodded. "Okay, fine, let's wait till the sun comes up."

Yibo smiled and sat beside Zhan, who said, "If you are sleepy, then you can sleep again."

"No, I am okay. I am worried about others; they must be worried about me too."

Zhan nodded and didn't say anything.

"You must be hungry, right?" Zhan asked.

Yibo nodded. "It's fine. How are you, though?"

"Why are you worrying about me?"

"Because you are injured, and you are the only one I have right now."

"I am okay." Zhan said before the looked around and said, "See, the sun is rising; let's get going."

"Let's hope there is no more rain or earthquake. Till we reach somewhere safe." Zhan said as they got up.

"Let's go."

They slowly started to walk towards the hotel, and they were really hungry as well as thirsty. However, all the shops were closed at this hour.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound; the sky was rumbling. Zhan and Yibo looked at each other before Zhan said, "It looks like it's going to rain again; the winds are cold as well." He said this as he felt extremely cold.

Yibo said, "The hotel shouldn't be that far, can you run?"

Zhan looked at him and said, "I can walk faster; let's just move ahead."

"Right. Or if you want, then we can wait for the help." Yibo offered, and Zhan said, "Will there be any help? Because of the weather, people cannot come to us by air, and I don't think help from other places could come to this secluded island place due to the sea levels.

Moreover, what if there are more earthquake alerts? The local authorities might be busy right now." Zhan said, "hence we should move forward."

"Alright," Yibo said as the two walked faster.

It started to rain soon, but it was not heavy rain, which was a relief. And after walking for around an hour and a half, they were finally able to reach the hotel. "Thank god," Yibo said with a smile as he turned to look at Zhan, who was kneeling on the ground. Yibo quickly went to him and gently supported him. "Are you alright? You have a high fever." He said that as he placed his hand on Zhan's forehead, Zhan, whose hand was in immense pain, looked up at Yibo, who was really close to him.

Zhan didn't realize that he was staring at the man before him till Yibo waved his hand in front of his face, "Zhan, are you alright?" Zhan blinked before he nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I am okay; let's get inside the hotel."

Yibo then grabbed him and kept his hand around his shoulder. Zhan's body leaned against that of Yibo as the two walked towards the building. It took them some time before a few people noticed them and quickly went to assist them. As soon as they gained entry into the hotel, the staff, and some other people helped them, Zhan looked around to search for Marius and Simon but they were not present there which made him a little anxious.

"Sir, are you Mr. Xiao Zhan?" The manager asked, and Zhan nodded. The manager said, "Your brothers have gone out to search for you, they have been really worried for you, I am sure they will be back soon." Zhan closed his eyes and sighed. He was glad that those two were okay, but now he was worried that they were out there.

Yibo then went to the manager to ask about his family, while Zhan stayed back. Thankfully, he was provided the required first aid here, and he was told about the situation more briefly. Apparently, they would have to wait for some time for the help to arrive.

Zhan was not worried about that; his family could easily send their private jet for him and his brothers but it was the weather needed to be clear for that.

After talking to the manager for a while, Zhan was left alone. He was given something to eat, and he was given water as well as first aid.

After a while, he felt better, but then he started to worry about his brothers. In the meantime, he also looked around and looked for Yibo, but the latter was nowhere around, so he decided to look for him, he found Yibo standing near the tall glass window as he stared outside with empty eyes.

Zhan slowly walked towards Yibo, and he could see that the latter was alone and he was lost in thoughts. "Yibo..." he called out to him, and Yibo turned around and looked at Zhan. "Oh, are you okay?"

Zhan nodded and said, "I am fine; what about you?"

"I am okay too."

"And what about your family?"

Yibo sighed as he said, "They have already left for home."

Zhan was taken aback when he heard that. "Oh..." he didn't know why but he felt rage towards the people who abandoned Yibo here all alone.

Yibo pressed his lips together and once again stared outside, "Guess I am alone here."

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