Chapter 30

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In the morning, when Zhan opened his eyes, he saw the most beautiful scene ever, his precious baby cheeks lying in his arms, sleeping peacefully.

Honestly, Zhan was never the one who would initiate cuddles, however last night Zhan found out that he was a bug cuddler and he absolutely cuddling, but only with his baby cheeks.

He saw Yibo move before he opened his eyes and yawned, Yibo slowly opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Zhan, he then hugged him tighter and pulled him closer, Zhan smiled brightly, how good it would be if every morning could be this beautiful.

"I wish I could wake up every day like this." Zhan said as he gently played with Yibo's hair, "With you in my arms."

"I will divorce Tina."

Zhan blinked before he moved back and looked at Yibo with a little surprise, "you will?"

Yibo nodded, "I want to wake up like this every day as well." He smiled and said, "I want to kiss you, I want to spend all my time with you, and I want to live with you as well."

"Me too." Zhan said.

"I should start looking for a divorce lawyer."

"You don't have to waste your energy on that, I am going to handle everything. You should spend all your energy on me and only me." Zhan said as he turned and hovered over Yibo, "Spend your energy on me and only me."

Yibo smiled as he looked at Zhan and asked, "When can I meet the lawyer."

"Today." Zhan said as he hugged Yibo, he was so happy that he wanted to dance with joy.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door and they could hear Marius's voice, "come out, mom is calling everyone for breakfast."

Zhan sighed as he looked at Yibo.


Once they came downstairs, Zhan's mother Mary happily welcomed Yibo and served him his coffee and she also made his favourite food for breakfast. Yibo smiled when he saw that, "thank you."

Zhan's mother smiled as she patted his shoulder and then went to her seat.

After their breakfast was done Zhan made a call to someone before he asked Yibo to come with him.

"Where are we going?" Yibo asked.

"To the lawyer." Zhan said and soon they reached their destination they got down from the car and Yibo followed Zhan inside the building.

Zhan knocked on a door before he walked in, the person inside the office greeted him with a smile, "Welcome Zhan."

Zhan smiled, "Miss Yanli, it's been a while."

"Indeed have a seat, what may I help you with?" she asked.

Zhan and Yibo sat before her and Zhan started to tell her everything.


Yanli nodded her head after listening to Zhan, "I see." She then looked at Yibo, and smiled, "divorce is not an easy process if one party is unwilling. However if both the parties are willing then it's not that hard.

And from what you said Zhan, this person Tina does not seem to be an easy person to deal with, she can demand a high alimony, half of your assests, properties, it can be messy too."

"It's alright." Yibo said, "as long as I can get away from her it's okay." While Yibo replied so easily Zhan did not like that fact that Yibo might have to suffer, he absolutely hated the idea of Yibo being stuck in a different position.

Yibo gently held his hand and said, "I want to serve her the papers as soon as I can."

Yanli smiled and said, "Alright, I will get to it."


After they were done talking with Yanli, they walked out of her office, and Zhan said, "are you sure Tina is going to let you off easily."

Yibo simply shook his head and said, "I think she is going to be angry, she might yell at me and throw things at me and make a scene, she might call her parents and my parents and create a huge mess and everyone will support her." He said it as a matter of fact, because this is how it always happened.

Zhan sighed when he heard that, he was not happy after hearing this, while Yibo was smiling Zhan was anxious, Yibo noticed that.

Yibo was generally not good at comforting people because he was not sure what to say to make others feel better, he was not good at reading emotions as well, however he can see that Zhan was upset so he asked, "What happened?"

Zhan smiled and said, "I... don't want you face any problems. People like Tina are really a headache to deal with."

Yibo spoke, "it's alright, I am ready to give her the house, assests everything as long as she leaves me alone."


"Because then I will have you." Yibo replied, "you and my dad are everything to me, I don't care about anything else."

Zhan stopped and looked at Yibo, he then raised his hand and pinched Yibo's cheeks, "fine... don't think about anything else... I will take care of other things" He spoke.

"I know."

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