Chapter 2.

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With some difficulty, the two of them were able to get out of the building, and since Zhan's hand was injured, Yibo was the one who was doing all the hard work.

As the two got out of the broken building, they observed their surroundings. It was indeed a mess; there was heavy rainfall, sea levels, and heavy storms. The wind was cold.

The weather was really not good!

"We need to get to the hotel." Zhan said, "Or find someplace to take shelter. He looked in his pocket for his phone, which was surprisingly working, but there was no network.

Yibo looked around and said, "Let's go." He said that as the two of them started to walk ahead in the rain, with how the weather was, they had to get to the hotel as soon as possible. With how things were, Zhan was really worried that they might even have to deal with a heavy storm. And this time he really prayed to God, if there was any, to just save them.

He looked around for Marius and Simon, and till now there was no sign of them, he just hoped that they were okay, As they came to the road and started to walk, they saw many broken and abandoned vehicles.

"The rain is getting heavier; we need to find a shelter," Yibo said as they walked ahead but stopped when they saw a landslide, and the road was actually blocked, Zhan sighed with frustration and looked at his phone again. There was no network and no one around, and with the conditions, it was dangerous to stay there for longer.

And the worst part was that it was getting darker and darker as the sun was going down, "Will you be able to cross that?" Yibo asked, pointing at a huge pile of mud, Zhan looked at him, and Yibo said, "We can go to the other side and cross a tunnel; this is the straight route."

"Is there any other route?"

"I don't know, but there has to be another way; we can go through the forest," Yibo said, and Zhan sighed. "In this weather, going to the forest might not be safe. But then staying here is not good as well."

"But during an earthquake, the safest place is an open space," Yibo said, and just as he said, there was a loud thunder and the rain got heavier.

"Not today." Zhan said, "The tunnel is the closest here, right? Let's go there, and let's stay away from trees, we should not take risks because if there is a lightning strike."

Yibo nodded, "But you can climb, right? I mean your hand."

"I am okay." Zhan then said, "But you know what? Let's search in the cars, there might be something that we can use."

"I'll go and see," Yibo said, looking in the cars while Zhan walked towards the landslide. His heart was beating fast as he worried about the weather, and what if there was another landslide, he slowly stepped on the mud.

Being surrounded by nature would be calming, they said, and being here would be peaceful, they said, but right now Zhan was feeling dread as he was surrounded by nature.

Yibo soon came to his side and grabbed his hand gently. He had a bag on his back and helped Zhan. It was at this moment that Zhan realized that he was rather lucky to not be alone in this situation; he was really grateful.

His injured hand was an obstacle, and he didn't know whether it was fractured, just sprained, or god knows what. He looked at Yibo and was really grateful to have him here, and he wanted to laugh at this, Zhan has never felt scared of being alone; he is not the one who is easily afraid; it is usually the others who are afraid of him. Even right now, he was not afraid but worried. He looked at Yibo and smiled at his cute little ally.

Once they came to the other side of the road, they walked faster, and it took them twenty minutes to reach the tunnel. Once they were inside the tunnel, they took a deep breath. The rain was still heavy, and there was a red alert. And once Zhan heard that he knew that there must be no network. He sat on the ground, and Yibo sat beside him.

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