Chapter 18.

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Back by Zhan's side, he was lying on the bed and was burning with fever, his face was red, and he was sweating the whole time.

His mother sat beside him and sighed, "104." She said as she read the thermometer; as she then looked at Zhan and said, "Why did you go to work when you are so sick?"

Zhan smiled as he looked at her, "I am fine, I am not a child; you don't have to worry so much about me."

She sighed as she gently caressed his face. He knew that she was still scared about what had happened in the Nolani, his father had told him that his mother did not take it very well when she learned about the earthquake in Nolani, and she got extremely scared when she heard that and even fainted.

And ever since then, she was not the same, and Zhan could see that too, "Mom, I am really okay." She gently held his hand and squeezed it. "I know, I know, dear. I am just a little worried, I want you to be healthy."

"I know; I am going to take care of myself, I promise." He said it with a smile.

His mother sat with him for some time, before his phone rang. He looked at it and then at his mother, "Mom, let me take it."

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "You are never going to change, are you?"

"Please." Zhan said as he made a puppy face and his mother caved and sighed, "Fine!" She then gave Zhan his phone, and when Zhan saw the caller ID, he immediately answered the call once he was told what was going on, he immediately got up and sat on his bed, his mother was shocked to see that, and her eyes widened. "Zhan what's wrong?"

Zhan cut the call and called Yibo, but the latter was not answering. He called four times before Yibo finally answered his call, and Zhan could hear a little sobbing, and that gave him energy to get out of the bed and stand up, while his mother was dumbfounded, "Zhan! What are you doing? Where are you going?"

"I need to go, Mom; please, I have to leave!" Zhan said as he got up but stumbled a little, and his mother tried to help him, but he stood straight as he clutched his head, "I have to go to him, Mom, please, I need to see him." He said this as he rushed to grab his keys and then walked out of the room.

His mother stood before him and stopped him before she said, "Why! What's so important for you, huh? Is it some other deal?! Then your brothers and father can handle that."

"No Mom! It's much more important than that, it's much more important than any deal, It's about Yibo. Mom, he is in trouble, and it seemed like he was crying, and I have to go to him!"

His mother was shocked to see her son so desperate, "Zhan, he is married, he can take care of himself he-"

"I know Mom and I don't care; he is married to the wrong person and he should be mine! Right now, he needs me and I will go to him! I know he can take care of himself; I know he can tolerate every injustice, but I can't! I will not be able to take care of myself knowing that he needs me, and if I stay back, I am going to get even sicker."

"Mom, what's going on?" Simon came there, and Zhan's mother rushed to him and urged him to stop Zhan while Zhan took this opportunity and rushed out.

But before he could open the car door, Simon grabbed his hand and said, "I will drive."


There was a loud knock on the door which made Tina stop her anger, and she looked at the door, the doorbell was constantly ringing, and there was a loud knock on the door, she glared towards the door and turned to walk towards it.

She opened the door but was shoved aside harshly as Zahn walked inside. She stumbled back and nearly fell, but then glared at Zhan, who was on his phone, and she heard him call out Yibo.

And as soon as he did that, Yibo opened the door, and when he saw Zhan, he was shocked to see him there, "Zhan... you.... you are here."

Zhan smiled and nodded, "Come with me." He said as he grabbed Yibo's hand and without any further complaints dragged him out of that place but while passing he gave the nastiest glare to Tina, who shivered when she realized that this was Xiao Zhan.

"Sir..." she tried to speak, but Zhan didn't bother to even glance in her direction, he just walked out of the house while Simon just looked at her and walked after Zhan.

Yibo saw Ziyi outside, and she smiled at him.

Once they came inside the lift, Zhan stumbled, and Yibo helped him, "Zhan..."

Simon looked at him worriedly as well.

However, Yibo exclaimed, "You have a fever."

Simon touched Zhan's head and said, "I think it has gone bad, let's take you home."

Zhan leaned against Yibo as he kept his head over Yibo's shoulder, "You are here, now I will be fine. You can take care of me."

Yibo suddenly felt Zhan grab his hand and squeeze it tightly.

Yibo squeezed his hand back as he felt warm, his heartfelt relaxed and he realized that he felt really happy, Zhan came to him and helped and took him away from that place. Yibo had wanted to leave that apartment so badly, but he was scared that Tina might just kill him.

And he didn't want to get hurt while raising hand with women, which is wrong, his father had taught him to never do that, but his father never taught him how to protect himself against an abusive woman.

His mother had told him that men cannot be abused and that there is no domestic violence against men, he was weak for trying to play the victim, and since then Yibo didn't know what to do where to do, and who to approach.

But here was Zhan, coming to his rescue, teaching him so many new things, teaching him that there was so much that he still didn't know, and not all people think the same.

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