Chapter 11.

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Yibo constantly touched his arm as it was aching and it was getting hard for him to continue working. He stared at his screen and focused on work, but his arm sometimes ached a lot.

He sighed as he leaned back on the chair. He looked around and saw that Callum was not there, It was because he had to attend a meeting with Steve and Jack. The meeting was with some very important and big clients, and Yibo had seen and heard Steve fuss about this. The man was really very nervous these days.

He was anxious about this deal and this meeting, Yibo knew that the client was important, but other than that, he knew nothing about the client or anything else. Most of the time, these kinds of things were not shared with him. So, he was kept out of the loop.

However, today something was special because while he was working, he was suddenly approached by his step-brother's secretary and she asked him to follow her to the meeting room as the client had requested to meet him.

This made Yibo a little surprised, why would the client want to meet him? He thought as he got up and started to walk towards the meeting room once he was inside. He became a little flustered since as soon as he entered all eyes were on him and he immediately looked down but he still tried to maintain his confidence as he looked at others.

Steven, Callum, and Jack were there, and other than them there were three other people, and when Yibo saw them, especially the guy sitting in the middle with an aura so strong, it felt like he was the boss here, and when this guy gave Yibo a gentle smile, Yibo's anxiety was gone and he smiled a little as well.

That was when Steve said, "Brother, you are here. Come here, sit with us." Yibo nodded as he walked towards Steve and sat beside him while Steven spoke, "You did not tell us that you knew Mr. Xiao and his brothers?" he was clearly nervous and it was very obvious.

Callum and Jack were somewhat nervous as well, and why not? Ever since Zhan and his brothers had come there, Zhan hadn't said a single word; he was quiet and his gaze was cold; the aura around him was heavy, there was no expression on his face, and he looked at Steve and the others as if they were insignificant pests and were just boring him. Zhan even looked like he didn't want to be here; it was so hard to read him.

And when his brother Simon requested Yibo, it was a great shock, and an even bigger shock when Marius said that Zhan was friends with Yibo and that is the only reason why they were here.

And if that wasn't enough, what made them extremely shocked was when Zhan actually moved when Yibo entered, and he actually smiled when he saw Yibo, which was enough for the three of them to know that Zhan actually valued Yibo more than this meeting.

Jack spoke, "I had no idea, Yibo, that you were friends with Mr. Xiao... I mean, that was really unexpected."

Callum smiled awkwardly as well, "Mr. Xiao, you are really so kind to make friends with someone like Yibo, that's really great. Yibo, you must be very grateful."

"It's actually the opposite." Zhan finally spoke, as he looked at Callum with his sharp and cold gaze, "I am grateful to him for giving me the honor to get to know him."

Callum blinked, "Oh... I see... I didn't knew..."

"Then you should be quiet." Zhan said before adding, "I would like to talk to my dear acquaintance, Mr. Wang, here. Alone."

Simon said, "You heard him... let's give them privacy."

The others stood up, but Steve whispered harshly, "Don't you dare to mess this up you dumb twat or else I will make your life a living hell if I lost this deal."

He said before walking out and Yibo was left alone with Zhan.

"Mr. Wang, I finally have you alone with me." Zhan spoke, while Yibo looked at him, "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming to my workplace?"

"Then that wouldn't be a surprise, right?" Zhan answered as he got up, and Yibo got up as well.

"Mr. Wang." Zhan took a deep breath as he said, "I am a person who does not like that beat around the bush, I will come straight to the point." He said as he came closer to Yibo, which made him a little flustered, not scared, but maybe a little shy.

Zhan kept on looking at him, "When something catches my eye, I always get it, I work hard and chase till that thing is with me. No matter how hard that thing is to obtain, if someone else has that thing then I would get it from them by hook or by crook." He made his voice lower and deeper as he came closer, while Yibo took a step back and Zhan said, "this time it is you that has caught my eye, and not just that you captured my heart and my mind as well, my little thief." Zhan said gently.

Yibo looked at him, as his heart was beating way too fast and there was something odd that he felt in his stomach, this feeling was something that he had never felt before, he kept his hand over his stomach as he felt weird, he suddenly felt warm and hot as he looked at Zhan's handsome.

Zhan said, "I don't want to be your friend Yibo. I want to be more than that and I don't mean as your best friend, I want to be your lover, boyfriend, and in a future husband, I want you as my partner by my side. Because I love you. Romantically."

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