Chapter 37.

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"Why did you go to her alone?" Zhan asked as he sat in front of Yibo. They were currently having lunch at a restaurant.

Yibo replied, "I just wanted to convince her and get her to sign the papers soon, I can't wait any longer I just wanted to get this done with, the lawyer said that if Tina did not sign the papers, then the case would drag and we will have to go court hearings. I don't want it to drag so much."

Zhan sighed and added, "But still, what if she attacked you like before."

Yibo pressed his lips together, "She looked a little different when I went to see her, she looked like a train wreck and I honestly felt bad for her, she looked really pitiful."

"You don't need to feel pity for people like her Yibo, not everyone deserves your kindness and pity, some people are just evil and she brought it upon herself, if she had treated you nice from the start and made efforts towards you and the marriage you wouldn't be here today.

You reap what you sow."

Yibo agreed with what Zhan said, however, he was not angry at Tina for the way she had treated him, because now that he was with Zhan he felt that everything was worth it, because all of the struggles and hardships led him to Zhan and Zhan just opened the door for happiness for him.

Hence Yibo was not really angry at Tina, he felt nothing but pity towards her.

After they were done with their lunch, Zhan sent Yibo back home while he went to his office, Zhan had a lot of pending work and he had to take care of a lot of matters and since he was going after Martha's company he had extra work on his hands.


Ever since they had come back Yibo no longer worked the night shift, instead, he switched to the morning shift which suited him more, and also because Yibo missed his night sleep.

It was late at night, Yibo was in his bed peacefully sleeping when his phone rang and he saw who the caller was it was an unknown number and he thought to ignore it but then after it rang again Yibo decided to just answer the call.

And it was Tina who was calling him. Yibo looked at the time and asked, "Tina, why are you calling me right now? Is everything okay?"

"Yibo, I want you to come here right now." She said.

"What? But it's too late..."

"Just come Yibo, I promise if you come here right now, I will sign the papers immediately there is something I want to talk about with you, and it's urgent."

Yibo sat straight, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Just come here! And take your damn papers! Can't you do even this much for me!" she said, "Come on Yibo I am going to set you free, and this will be the last time I will ask something from you. Don't worry I won't yell at you or throw things at you; I just want to see you. One last time as my husband."

Yibo sighed, Tina's voice felt weak and it looked like she was sobbing, he felt bad for her and besides since she said that she would sign the papers immediately he was really tempted.

"Please Yibo. Please just come to me, I feel really scared and lonely and I have no one with me right now, I feel like dying..."

"Alright... just wait for me," Yibo said as he got out of bed. He wanted to call Zhan but he thought against it, Zhan has been busy with work lately, and if often tired Yibo didn't want to ruin his sleep.


Once he reached Tina's apartment, he rang the doorbell and Tina answered the door, she smiled when she saw him and Yibo just looked at her, "Are you alright?"

Tina nodded with a smile as she moved to the side and let Yibo inside the house. She asked him to sit down, while she made some tea for the two of them.

She came to the living room, sat beside him, and gave him a cup of hot tea, Yibo took a sip before he asked, "What do you want to say?"

"I just wanted to say sorry for everything, I realized that I was horrible to you, and I shouldn't have behaved like that with you in the morning, I was awful."

"It's okay."

"I have realized that I was really toxic and I am surrounded by toxic people, like my family I really hate them too."

"I see." Yibo said, "your family is quite strict towards you."

"I also wanted to say sorry for cheating on you and supporting Steve, I should have stuck by your side, it's alright Tina, I am glad that you no longer hate me. And I wish you happiness, I wish that you find someone you love."

Tina smiled as she sat beside him, after a while Yibo asked, "Have you singed the papers?"

Tina nodded, "Yeah, come with me I will give them to you." She said this and walked towards her room, while Yibo followed her.

She grabbed the papers and signed them before his eyes before she gave them to him, however before Yibo could even touch the papers he felt dizzy.

He felt extremely hot and his heart started to beat rapidly, he felt his world spin and everything felt blurry, he found it hard to even stand and he felt anxious.

He looked at Tina who smirked, as she moved forward and pushed him down on the bed. Before she hovered over him, she slowly took off her clothes as she said, "Let's spend some good time together, Hubby."

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