Chapter 31.

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Tina was at her house as she stat in front of the mirror and was staring at herself, her bruises had gone and she looked much better now, however she was still angry at what had happened.

Her husband was not coming back and she had no idea why she was being affected so much. She sat on her seat as many things were going on in her mind. She had never cared about Yibo she didn't care whether she was around or not but these past few days ever since she had not been able to reach Yibo, she has been feeling angry, frustrated and now she just wanted that damn idiot back in the house.

Now that Yibo was no longer coming back home she could do whatever she wanted, she always did whatever she wanted but right now she didn't want to do anything, she didn't want to go out with anyone, or bring anyone home, she wanted to meet Yibo.

These past few days since she had been staying alone, she has been thinking a lot, now she knows that she wanted Yibo by her side, because he was her backup, he was her security, a husband who never comes in her way, and lets her do whatever she wants and never opens his mouth in front of her. She remembered that she married Yibo because Steve, Yibo's step brother had broken up with her and her parents have been pressuring her into getting married.

Her parents were controlling, and had always favoured her brother over her which she hated, she only married to keep them quiet. In her life, her parents, her brother, her lover all of them have not treated her kindly and she had years and years of anger which she took out on the wrong person, Yibo was weak, he never yelled at her, he never avoided her attacks and he never raised his voice or hand at her. She knew that about his condition and she took advantage of that, she became his abuser.

On the day when she was beaten by that woman and left alone in the parking lot, she had called Steve, her father and even her brother to come and help her as she was injured and was going through period cramps and no one came for her help, no one came to her and she realized that she was really pathetic.

She was trying to impress these people and was trying so hard for their approval.

She sighed as she thought about her life. Ever since she had left Yibo alone on that island she had felt guilty and she hated that she felt guilty, and didn't try to improve her behaviour.

Another reason that she was rude to Yibo was because of Steve, because Steve loved to torment him, she also joined in, in order to be close to Steve, the man who couldn't care less if she is okay or not.

Suddenly she heard the doorbell and she got up to answer the door, and as soon as she opened the door she saw Yibo over there, her eyes widened and she smiled, she didn't even knew that she was smiling and she felt happy, "you are back huh! You finally have the time to come back!" she said as she moved to the side and Yibo came inside the house, Tina shut the door behind him and sighed, she wanted to yell at him and scold, or that's what she thought she would do once Yibo was back but surprisingly she was not angry, in fact she was rather happy that Yibo was back.

However before she could say anything Yibo gave her an envelope, She took the envelop and asked, "what is this?"

Yibo said nothing and waited for her to open the envelope and as soon as she opened the envelope her face went pale and she was shocked by what she saw, "What the fuck is this!" She yelled as she looked at Yibo.

"Divorce papers." Yibo replied, "I want a divorce, Tina." He said clearly. Tina stood at her place, frozen and shocked.

Yibo sighed as he felt light, as if something heavy has been lifted of off his chest, he should have done this before, "I know Tina that you do not like me, you only married me because of the pressure from your family, but you don't have to be married to me anymore. Let's go our separate ways."

Tina clenched her fists as she threw the papers at his face, "how dare you think that you can leave me! Who do you think you are! Divorce? You want a divorce, I won't give it to you so easily."

Yibo frowned and asked, "Why? What do you want? You can keep the house, I am ready to give you alimony as well, you will be happy and me too! What else do you want? You hate me so much, why would you stay with me!"

Tina was breathing heavily as she looked at Yibo, she didn't want to divorce him! For some reason she didn't want her marriage life to end! She sighed and said, "I am not going to divorce you!"

Yibo was firm this time, "Tina. I want a divorce." He said, When he thought about Zhan, he was ready to fight back, he would do anything to be with Zhan and he was not going to back down, "I am getting a divorce, whether you like it or not."

"What's wrong with you! What has happened to you! These past day you did not come back home! You did not answer my calls and messages and now you want divorce! You have changed! Why?" she stopped speaking before she said, "have you found someone else?"

Yibo looked at her and Tina was fuming, she moved forward and raised her to slap him but Yibo dodged her hand and said, "Don't raise your hand on me Tina."

"You fucking cheated on me! You are leaving me for someone else and I can't even slap you!"

"I didn't do anything" Yibo said however he did kissed Zhan and that was cheating but he hadn't slept with him.

"But you had an emotional affair, tell me how far did you go with your affair partner! Tell me! I want to see that bitch!"

"Tina." Yibo said, "Sign the divorce papers and we can talk later, I will move out, and you can keep this apartment." He then started to go to his room but Tina grabbed his hand, she looked frantic and said, "no! I am not going to divorce!"

Yibo tried to shake her off and free his arm, "leave my hand Tina,"

Tina grabbed him more harshly and said, "Yibo, let's not do this! Give me another chance and let's make this marriage work!" Yibo sighed, as he tried to shake her off, he was getting more and more uncomfortable by Tina's touch and he wanted her to let him go, "Tina leave my hand." He said as he moved back and tried to walk to his room.

Tina was talking to him and was really losing her calm and while she was following him, she suddenly tripped on something fallen on the floor and fell on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Yibo immediately asked her as helped her to stand up and sit on the sofa, "are you hurt?" he asked as he looked at her and Tina didn't know why but she flet really emotional.

Despite her behaviour Yibo still cared so much about her and was looking out for her, he was so gentle with her. She knew that it was not because she was someone special to him, but it because Yibo was a kind and an innocent person, and he was raised right by his father.

She suddenly felt emotional and started to cry. While Yibo just looked at her. He did not understand why she was crying when she hated him so much, he felt bad for her, because she looked so miserable but he had no idea how to comfort her, so he sat beside her and gently patted her shoulder, "Tina, I am sorry if you got hurt, what do you want? Do you want to eat something? Tina? Please stop crying." He spoke.

Tina just cried harder, and Yibo just sat beside her, in between her sobs Tina asked, "you are not going to change your mind?"

Without even thinking twice Yibo replied, "No, I want divorce."

Tina cried harder and she ran to her room.

Author's note: This innocent bean! No wonder Zhan is so madly in love with him.

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