Chapter 50.

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Ziyi gave Yibo his cup of coffee and smiled, Yibo took the cup and thanked her before he took the cup and sighed.

He and the team has been busy lately as they are working on a new project and things.

Ziyi yawned before she rubbed her eyes and Yibo asked, "Are you tired?" he asked, "You seem to be tired these days, are you alright?"

Ziyi smiled as she said, "I am better than ever before."

Yibo nodded. He had developed a close friendship with Ziyi, she came under the category of best friend for him, and he really admired her. And he really cared about her.

"Are you sure?" Yibo asked, Ziyi smiled as she looked at Yibo and replied, "I am pregnant, this is why I am tired these days."

Yibo's eyes widened when he heard that, "What?" he said with shock.

Ziyi kept her finger on her lips and shushed him, "It's a secret, don't tell it to anyone."

Yibo blinked and became quiet. After a few seconds, he smiled and whispered, "Who is the father?"

"You know him very well."

"Is it Marius?"

"Bingo," Ziyi replied.

"Does he know?"


"So will you guys get married?"

Ziyi smiled and blushed, "Well you can say that."

Yibo laughed, feeling extremely happy for Ziyi and Marius, "congratulations."

"Yes, but you have to keep this a secret, Marius hasn't talked about my pregnancy and marriage plans to anyone. Yet."



Zhan was in his office when he got the call from his secretary called him, "Sir, Ms Tina is here to see you."

Zhan smirked and said, "Tell her that I am not in the office, and can tell you whatever she has to say. I hope you will guide her well."

"Yes sir." The secretary kept her phone down and looked at the fuming and distraught woman before her, "Ms Tina sir is busy at the moment please tell me whatever you have to say, I will relay the message to him and try to help you."

Tina slammed her hand at her desk and said, "Tell that fucker to come here and meet me! How dare he go back on his word and fire me! We had an agreement and I have the proof; he cannot fire me! I agreed to get divorced and in return, I got the job and he can't fire me."

The secretary asked to look at the agreement, and Tina showed her the document, after a while the secretary said, "Well, if you see here, it clearly states that if you in any way harmed the company, by leaking its secret or by tarnishing its reputation you will be fired at spot."

Tina looked at the agreement again and yes there were such clauses, "But I didn't do anything!"

The secretary gave her a small smile and said, "Well, Ms. Tina we have proof that you are a corporate spy, you are lucky that we are not pursuing any legal action against you, we are giving you a chance to move on but if you kept on creating trouble for us then we would have no option but to fight back.

You are free to hire a lawyer and go to court for this."

Tina was dumbfounded, she was speechless, go to court? She had no time for that, she had no time to look for lawyers and then go to court, she had no family to rely on, no friends she was left with no one and nothing except the apartment where she and Yibo used to live together.

She walked away from there, as soon as she sat in her car she burst into tears.


"Martha!" Henry roared as he walked in the house, he looked furious, Steve came to the scene as well and Martha came to the living room as well, "What is it?"

"What is it?" Henry spoke, "You fucking stole 200k dollars from my bank account! And you depleted the joint account! Have you lost it!"

Martha sighed and said, "I had trouble with the business and I needed the money."


Martha flinched when she heard that tone and tried to appease Henry, "Henry, please just listen to me I needed that money for work, and since you are my husband, wouldn't you have helped me anyway?"

"No, I wouldn't have! It was my money! Do you think I am as dumb as Kevin who will let you go after stealing from me? Return the money to me in a week, or else I am going to file a case against you and I am getting a divorce!"

"What!" Martha said, "How can you ask for divorce on such a small matter!"

"You lied to me! Stole from me! You fired my son, and you still want me to be by your side! Nah! You better start looking for lawyers!"

Author's note: Phew, karma finally got to these people. This is almost the end, but I guess one more chapter and an epilogue will be enough to wrap it up.

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