Chapter 46.

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Yibo was alone at his house making dinner, when the doorbell rang, without wasting much time he went to open the door and smiled when he saw Zhan over there.

Zhan looked at Yibo and saw him in apron, "were you cooking?"

Yibo smiled as he moved to the side and let Zhan in, Yibo's father had gone to another city to attend the wedding of his friend's son, he had asked Yibo to come with him as well but Yibo was not comfortable and he wasn't in the mood to socialize. Hence, he refused to go and his father didn't push him.

However, Zhan was happy that he could have Yibo by himself and to say that he didn't had any shameless thoughts would be an understatement. He was having a lot of idea but he had to shook his head and control himself from doing anything but he knew that it was going to be hard.

He walked inside the house and followed Yibo to the kitchen, Yibo gave him a glass of water while Zhan sat on the chair near the kitchen counter, "how was your day?" Yibo asked.

And Zhan smiled, what he was feeling right now was beautiful, it felt like he just came home and where he was welcomed by the love of his life and now, they were just discussing how their day went while the apple of his eye cooked food. He had always seen his mom and dad like that, and now he think that it is a beautiful feeling.

He smiled before sighed with content, "it was amazing."

Yibo smiled and nodded, "glad to hear that."

"What are you cooking?"

"Just something."

"Something what?"

Yibo looked at him and smiled, "why don't you wait till the dinner, and go and get fresh."

"Yes boss."

After a while Zhan came back, after taking a shower he felt refreshed and by the time he came, Yibo had already set the table, and when Zhan saw the dishes that he had made he smiled, all of them were his favourite.


Yibo just smiled before he sat with Zhan.

At first, they ate their dinner in silence before Zhan asked, "Yibo."


"Let's go on a date on Sunday."

Yibo nodded, "Sure." After a few seconds he asked again, "what are your plans about Tina? Was she at the office?"

Zhan smiled and said, "I have a good news for you, Tina does not work in the main branch, she works in the other branch, hence she does not have to see you or me, you can come to work anytime you want. I don't see her."

"I see."

Yibo doesn't ask much about anything, since he couldn't care less, it has been a month since the divorce and things have been quiet since then, he was getting better, but he still had nightmares sometimes and also has difficulty in eating anything that was not cooked before his eyes and by him. And he absolutely abhors tea now.

But he was getting better, Zhan had suggested Yibo to get therapy but the latter had refused the idea, Zhan had tried to push him but that ended up back firing because Yibo got angry and annoyed and didn't talk to Zhan, after that Zhan dropped the topic and didn't bring it up again.

After they were done with the dinner, Zhan washed the dishes, before he headed to Yibo's room. Once he reached to Yibo's room. He saw the latter doing something on his laptop. Zhan smiled as he went closer to him, gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek and asked, "shall we head to bed?"

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