Chapter 34.

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Tina was biting and chewing her nails as she was alone in the apartment; it felt empty, and she felt really lonely right now.

She looked at the kitchen and remembered Yibo cooking for her, she sighed as she started to walk to her room, but instead of going to her room, she walked to Yibo's room, and she felt really suffocating and anxious when she came to his room.

Yibo was the only man in her life who was nice to her, he had cooked for her; he put up with her bullshit after she had gotten married to him, she knew that she was awful to him, she threw the food he cooked and cheated on him and because he hadn't reacted or did anything, she became more courageous and did what she wanted to because she knew that Yibo would not do anything to her.

She took him for granted and never tried to form a true relationship and bond with him. She felt like crying as she thought about all the things, she had done to the only man who treated her respectfully.

Her phone suddenly rang and she saw the message from Steve and he was sending her nudes and was sending her sexual texts, there were some other messages as well and they were all after her body and she felt disgusted by those texts.

Steve knew what she was going through and he was not comforting her, he was not even saying some kinds words to her and was only looking for sex!

She wanted to throw up as she threw her phone away.

She was seen as a burden by her family and they married her off only to get rid of her, Steve was her ex-boyfriend and he never ever bat an eye, he never cared what happened to her and she always chased after him like some bitch in heat.

She felt angry at herself, because of her own mistakes she was going to lose the stability and security of this home, she picked her phone and blocked Steve and all the other guys.

She became more determined to do anything she could to bring Yibo back. She wiped her tears as she started to make plans. She was even ready to become a housewife for him if he demanded.


Meanwhile, the day of the trip came soon, Zhan, Yibo, and the others boarded the plane.

Once they were seated, "What about my mom and her family."

"Don't worry about them." Zhan said with a smirk, "They are going to be just fine."

Zhan made eye contact with Marius and the latter just winked at him, Zhan knew that everything was going to be okay.

Meanwhile, Yibo's mother Martha and her family along with Tina were already at the airport and had boarded the flight.

They had two flights one flight was supposed to take them to a small town in a small country and the other connecting flight was supposed to take them to their destination.

However as soon as they got on the flight Steven and Jack started to make comments, "damn he could have booked business class tickets."

"Exactly it's not like it would have cost him too much." Steve answered, "But it's that because of that idiot, we are getting a free vacation." He then looked at Tina and said, "Right Tina?"

She just ignored him and looked away, her mind was focused on Yibo and she wanted to see him, while Steve did not like that, he was getting ignored but he didn't really care. Tina was a horny bitch he knew she would come crawling back to him after her tantrums were over.

Once their flight landed they waited for their connecting flight, "Where is our stuff?" Martha spoke as she searched for her back and her husband Henry spoke as well, "My passport is missing."

"Mine too."

"Mine too."

Jack and Steve said and Tina got more and more anxious as she looked for her bags and ID as well, the only thing that was left was their phones.

However, after some time they even lost their phone and only Martha and Tina were the ones left with mobile phones.

Tina's phone had no battery and only Martha remained.

Their id's, bags and phones were all stolen! This caused them all to panic.


Zhan smiled as he disconnected the call with someone.

"I told you." Marius said, "They all are going to go through hell before coming back, trust me."

Zhan smiled as he looked at his brother proudly, it's about time these fuckers go through misery. But Zhan still thought that this was nothing because Yibo went through all the bad things alone, these people still had each other.

Zhan decided to not think about these people anymore and focus on his baby cheeks.

He went near Yibo who was waiting for him, once Zhan was near him, he said, "Welcome to Bali"


Zhan smiled and said, "Let's go."


Zhan and the others, who were his parents, brothers, Yibo's father and Ziyi, went to his farmhouse which they had bought in Bali, it was a luxurious and beautiful mansion, situated in the midst of nature. Yibo fell in love with the place.

"Your house is so pretty," Yibo said as he looked around.

"It's ours." Zhan said as he stood beside Yibo, "I will buy you as many houses as you want, just like this one."

Yibo smiled however their moment was disturbed by Marius who pushed them and walked from between them, "Stop acting cringe, and get your stuff."

Simon grabbed Yibo's shoulders and pushed him forward, "Come on Yibo you should spend some time with us as well." He said and took Yibo with him while Zhan frowned as he was left behind.

He huffed and grabbed his bags as well while Simon yelled, "GET MY SUITCASE AS WELL WHILE YOU ARE AT."

Zhan rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, sir."

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