Chapter 12.

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Zhan couldn't control his smile when he saw the red tomato in front of him. Yibo's face was red, and he was clearly flustered and nervous. When Zhan confessed, Yibo looked at him with wide eyes.

Yibo blinked several times before Zhan gently kept his hand below his chin and said, "Close your mouth."

Yibo closed his mouth as he was brought back to reality. The two stood in silence for some time before he said, "I... I am married."

"I know. You can always get a divorce." Zhan said.

Yibo spoke, "But... but... it would be wrong..."

"Why would it be wrong? Because you don't like me.?"

"I like-"

"I mean romantically." Zhan said as he came closer to Yibo who said, "Please stop this, I am married," Yibo said in a shaky voice, hoping for the other person to stop, as he weakly touched his shoulders and tried to push him back.

But his hands were grabbed and pinned against the walls by the beast that had held him hostage; his grip was harsh, and he finally looked at Yibo, his stare was cold and intense and it made Yibo feel small and a little flustered. "please... let go, Mr. Xiao."

The other man chuckled, and the sound of his laughter made Yibo swallow nervously. "I didn't catch you with the intention of letting you go darling. I wanted you; hence, I have held you." He said in a cold and deep voice, which made a shiver run down Yibo's spine, and the latter asked, "This is wrong..."

"Do I look like a person who cares about what's wrong and what's right?"

"I couldn't care less; I want you, and I will have you, by hook or by crook." He said as he kept his head over Yibo's neck and inhaled before muttering, "God, you drive me crazy." He said as he stared at Yibo again, "baby cheeks."

Yibo was even more flustered now; he was not scared, but for some reason, he was not, because he knew that Zhan was not going to harm him.

But Zhan said that he was in love with him; how can that be possible?

Yibo remembered his wife's words, and they echoed in his mind. She had said that no one would ever like him, and no one would ever spare her a glance.

Then how can someone like Zhan fall in love with him?

Besides being married, isn't it wrong to be involved with Zhan? Won't that be cheating? Wouldn't that be wrong? A sin? His father hated cheaters, and he would be disappointed in Yibo.

However, there was something else that Yibo felt, it was like a pull towards Zhan as if there was a string that was tied around his heart, and it was pulling him towards Zhan as if that was his right place, that was the place where he should be, with Zhan.

Zhan was standing so close to him, caging him, holding him prisoner between his arms, and yet Yibo felt warm and safe and secure, he didn't feel uncomfortable, he didn't flinch, and he wasn't worried about being harmed, instead, he felt right and good, and he wanted to stay close to Zhan.

"I am waiting for an answer," Zhan said as he moved his hand down, leaving Yibo's wrist towards his arm, but suddenly Yibo closed his eyes and winced, and a look of pain flashed on his face. Zhan immediately let him go.

He grabbed Yibo's hand and pulled his sleeve up, and his eyes widened when he saw a bruise and a slight burn. And at that time, Zhan felt such a strong desire for the blood of the person who dared to touch and harm his treasure, his heart clenched and his stomach churned. He absolutely hated to feel like this. He harshly spoke, "Who did this!"

Yibo saw how angry he was so he said, "It... it was an accident. I was cooking, and I accidentally touched the hot pan." He stuttered while speaking, and his voice was slow as well. He timidly said, "Please don't be mad at me..."

Zhan sucked in a deep breath as he said, "I am not mad, I am just worried about you. Come here." He said as he brought Yibo with him and made him sit on the sofa as he examined the wound before he said to Yibo, "I am very serious about you... I love you, and I want you to be with me...

Honestly, if you think that I am worthy of you and I am worthy of being given a chance then Yibo would you please give me a chance and consider me as a potential lover? I am not asking you to cheat on your wife... you can separate from her before you come to me.

I will wait for you. But please remember that I am not a patient person... neither I am a saint." He said, leaving out the fact that even if he had to use a little bit of manipulation and underhanded methods to get Yibo then he would. He wished that it never came to that, Yibo was innocent, and the last thing Zhan wanted was to use this dumbness of Yibo to manipulate him, however when Zhan looked at his wound, he had made up his mind, he would do anything to make sure that Yibo chooses him willingly.

His precious treasure doesn't really have a choice here. Either way, he was going to be with Zhan.

Till then, Zhan was going to practice patience.

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