Chapter 17.

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Zhan soon dropped Yibo back at the company and even walked him to the door, and once Zhan was there, he was suddenly met with Steve and Callum, and they looked pale and absolutely nervous.

"Mr. Xiao, please come in, please let us have a chat and let us talk, you can't just cancel the deal." Steve spoke, but Zhan interrupted him and said, "I can, after seeing that the person who badmouthed your client and abused your employee is still working here."

"The underlying threat was very clear and anyone will understand that Zhan was asking Callum to be fired which made Callum's face turn white and he looked at Zhan and said, "I am so sorry Mr. Xiao please, it was just a one-time mistake I-"

"It was not a one-time mistake; this is the second time you have done this."

Callum and Steve were dumbfounded, and Callum asked, "When have I done this before?"

"When Yibo told you that he was on a call with someone and you answered, Oh, is it another retard? That retard was me, and then you asked him to do your work." Callum's face turned red, and then Zhan looked at Steve and said, "I had no idea that your company hired such lousy and lazy workers; I don't want to work with lousy people like him and your company.

I had told you before that it was all because of Yibo that I had even glanced at this no-name company that you run and you are mistreating him? The audacity, disgusting, leeches what you are."

Steve spoke and said, "I will fire him! I will fire Callum, Mr. Xiao, but please reconsider your decision."

"I will think." Zhan said, and Steve nodded, then turned to Callum and said, "Pack your stuff and leave."

"How can you do this to me!" Callum said, then glared at him and Zhan, and then gave a nasty glare to Yibo, who was just standing there without saying anything.

Steve just glared at him while Callum just looked back and forth between them before he walked away, once he was gone, Steve started to talk to Zhan and tried to please him, but Zhan just brushed him, gave a smile to Yibo, patted his shoulder, and walked away. And once Zhan reached his car he sighed and rubbed his head, he had been feeling a little under the weather since he woke up, but unfortunately he didn't get the time to rest.

Yibo and Steve were the only ones who stood there, and Yibo walked inside the building as well, but Steve grabbed his arm and said, "What the hell is wrong with you? How long are you going to cause problems for us? You fucking idiot! Because of you, Callum lost his job! Because of you, there is always trouble! God, why are you even here? Get lost!"

"Fine." Yibo said as he looked at Steve who frowned and then asked again "what did you say?"

"Fine, I will get lost," Yibo said as he gave Steve his resignation letter and then walked to his desk and started to pack his stuff.

Steve read the letter and said, "What's the meaning of this!"

"I am resigning, I got a better offer," Yibo said.

"Who would hire you!" Steve said, and then suddenly spoke, "Was it Mr. Xiao?"

Yibo nodded, and Steve sighed with frustration and wanted to yell at him before Ziyi came there, "Is there a problem? Sir?"

Steve glared at her and said, "There is no problem, you may go back to your place."

He glared at Yibo one more time before he walked away. While Yibo sat at his desk and completed his remaining work before he packed his stuff.

Ziyi helped him and talked to him and she was happy to know that he got a better job option.

That day, when Yibo reached home, he was earlier than Tina, his mother had called him as well but he did not answer, and since she was on a business trip, she wasn't able to come to his house and started to scold him, and his stepfather was not in the city as well.

However Tina was there, she barged into the house and she was pissed, she was really very pissed when Yibo saw the three of them together he was a little worried and nervous, she went to him and slapped him, "How dare you quit your job! Do you want to be a freeloader or what!"

Yibo looked at her and said, "I have a better job offer."

"Oh really! Where?"

"In the Xiao Corporation."

Tina's eyes widened, and she was shocked to hear, "No way you got a job there! How can someone like you get a job there?! Did you cry or play the victim in front of Mr. Xiao huh? You took advantage of his kindness and got a job there, huh? And you can't arrange a meeting of mine with him! You can't help me! How could you!"

Yibo looked at her and said, "You cheated on me when we went on vacation in Nolani and you told that person that I was abusing you. Why would I help you? How can you do that?"

Tina's eyes widened when she heard that, "So what! I have needs I have desires that you can't satisfy, and I don't want to sleep with you. Of course, I will go to others! It's not my fault; it's yours! And did you spy on me or what? How dare you spy on me! I can do whatever I want and sleep with whoever I want because you are incapable."

Yibo said nothing and just looked at her. She paused before saying, "How about this? You ask Mr. Xiao to make a deal with my company, and I will sleep with you as well." She said as she came closer to Yibo kept her hand over his chest and giving him a seductive smile, "Come on, dear husband. Can't you do that much for me?"

Yibo moved back as he did not like being touched by Tina; he felt disgusted and repulsed, something he never felt with Zhan.

He didn't want to have sex with Tina. Yibo knew what sexual activity was, his father had taught him, and his father made sure that Yibo knew about these kinds of stuff so that no one could take advantage of him but Yibo was never really interested in doing it with anyone.

He moved back and said, "I don't want to sleep with you. Your touch makes me uncomfortable."

"What!" Tina yelled as her eyes widened. This was the first time someone had done something like this to her, and she exploded. This time she grabbed the nearest thing that came in her hand and bashed it against Yibo's head, which made him scream with agony, as he held his head.

While Yibo just locked himself inside the room as she yelled and yelled and threw things around and asked Yibo to come out, Yibo sat on the ground in his room and clutched his head. He looked for his phone, but then he felt dizzy.

While someone stood outside their apartment and called someone, "Sir, I think you should come here."

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