Chapter 26.

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Tina stood in front of the Xiao corporations. She looked around before she decided to go and look for Yibo.

He had not come home, and she couldn't wait anymore to talk to him, and now that she was here, she wished that she could meet Zhan and talk to him as well.

Because she was coming here, she made sure to dress properly. She wore her most expensive clothes, styled her hair perfectly, and put on make-up. She made sure to look as pretty as she could.

If she can get someone like Xiao Zhan to fall for her charms, then life will become so easy for her. She smiled as she walked inside the building. She went to the reception and asked for Mr. Wang and while she waited for the receptionist to check for Yibo, she looked around and saw someone familiar.

Her eyes widened when she saw him and asked, "Excuse me? Does he work here as well?"

The receptionist looked at the person Tina was referring to and said, "He is Mr. Xiao's youngest brother."

Tina's eyes widened when she heard that and quickly ran after him, "Wait! Wait! Jiang Cheng!"

Marius didn't stop as he walked ahead towards the parking lot, but Tina ran after him and suddenly grabbed his hand, making him stop, "Wait a minute!"

Marius turned around to see who the hell it was who dared to stop him, but when he saw who it was his eyes widened, "You!"

Tina took a deep breath and smiled, "Yes, it's me... Jiang Cheng... but I guess that's not your real name."

Marius rolled his eyes and said, "Why are you here, and what do you want?"

"I... I came here to look for my husband." She said in a soft and gentle voice as she smiled sweetly while moving closer to Marius, "Do you know where he is?"

"Yes. Somewhere away from you. And don't show up here anymore." He said as he turned around and started to walk towards his car but Tina blocked his path and said, "Where are you going?"

"Why do I need to tell you that?" He said and tried to move, but Tina blocked his path again and said, "Come on, why are you being so rude to me! You were not like this when we were in Nolani and why did you lie to me about your identity?! How could you do that?! Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me?"

"No. And get lost. Before I make you." Marius said.

"Why are you cold to me!"

Marius smirked and said, "Because you are a despicable and disgusting bitch!"

Tina clenched her fists as she glared at Marius, "You didn't say the same thing when you slept with me!"

"That time, I had no idea that you were such a bitch. Now get lost and never let me see you again."

"I want to see my husband tell me where he is!"

"I don't know."

"I know that you and your brother must have hidden him! How can you do that? He is my husband, and I wish to talk to him!"

"Get lost! I don't care what you want or don't!" Marius said it in a louder voice.

"No! Tell me, why is your brother so nice to someone like that retard?! Didn't you promise me that you were going to beat him and teach him a lesson? Then why are you defending now? Is your brother into my husband?"

Marius clenched a fist, and Tina laughed, "That retard?! Why? Mr. Xiao's taste is so cheap how can he go for him?"

"Shut up. Tina."

"Why? What will you do? I am not going to leave you alone I swear I- ah!!!" Tina's hair was grabbed by someone from behind as she was thrown against a car.

She looked at the person who did that and saw Ziyi there, who smirked and said, "Finally got a chance to beat you up!"

"Who are you... you bitch-" Tina said she was going to attack Ziyi, but Ziyi just kicked her and grabbed her hair before slapping her hard again and again and again.

Marius laughed when he saw that and made no effort to stop her.

"You love to abuse people and throw things at others, right? Let me do the same to you, you ugly slutty whore!" Ziyi said as she punched her again.

Tina yelled as she was a mess, but then Marius came and grabbed Ziyi's hand and said, "That's enough you are going to kill her."

Ziyi glared at him, "You are worried about that?"

"No, no absolutely not, you can kill her, but not now. Not here. Come, let's go."

Ziyi glared at Tina and said, "The next time I see you anywhere near Yibo or Marius, I am going to kill you! I know what a bitch you are, you wouldn't want the world to know that, right? I swear I will destroy you." She said as she got up and walked towards the car, where Marius opened the door for her.

Once Ziyi sat down, he shut the door and then looked at Tina, before he sat in his car and drove away.

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