Chapter Eight

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Everything was very awkward with the two teams ever since Eva punched Jose and threw him across the room, literally.

Eva was currently with Izzy and Owen. They kept telling her to calm down and tell them what she heard and saw.

Noah got stuck treating Jose, trying to help sooth his fractured jaw. He holds Jose's ice pack against his jaw and gives him medicine. He sighs. He wishes that he could help Eva feel better but he can't.

"Noah," Jose's voice cuts off his train if thought. "You don't believe that I would ever say that about you, right mi amigo?" Jose asks.

Noah glared at him. "Just shut up. You won't be able to talk until your jaw is better. Which will take three to six weeks, depending on whether or not Chris will care enough to help you." He says with a poisonous tone.

He knew that Jose was an eel but to call him a "boy toy" in front of a camera for all to see really takes the cake.

Once he's done helping Jose get to his room to rest, he goes to find Eva and Izzy and Owen.

He's thankful when he finds them in the kitchen.

"Hey," He says as he walks in. The three contestants' look at him. Noah gives them his best reassuring smile. "Eva how are you feeling?" He asks as he walks up to them.

Eva looks at him and smiles back a bit. "I'm feeling better. I just hate that he said that about you Noah. I just wish I got to punch his face in more."

Noah laughed.

"Eva! I found some food!" Izzy yelled.

'When did she leave to go find food?' Noah asked himself as he ate.


Alejandro was starting to have mixed feelings of anger and relief.

He's angry that Jose said that about Noah and that he was trying to play the victim. AGAIN!

But he's relieved that Eva was there and gave Jose the beating that he rightfully deserved. Although, he wishes that he would have done it.

He sighs and walks up to his room to get some rest. He'll try and talk to Noah in the morning to see how he's doing. And maybe, possibly, get closer to him.


Jose groans. He's currently lying in bed trying to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. But thanks to the bitch, Eva, he can't.

Seriously, it's not like he was saying anything that wasn't true. All Noah is, is just a toy for someone to use until they get bored and find someone else. Other than that, he's completely useless.

Jose tries to think of a plan to get everyone back on his side.

Maybe he could just say that he was sorry for what he said about Noah. That he never really meant it and that it's really Alejandro's fault for ticking him off.

Yeah, maybe that'll work. The others already don't really like Al for what he did to them in the Total Drama World Tour season. It might just be likely that he'll get the upper hand again instead of Al.

He smirks. 'Yeah, that might just work '


The other contestants' were all messes. Some believed that what Eva said was true but most of the others believed that what she said was wrong and that Jose would never say that.

Chris on the other hand could not care less. Not when he's more focused on the fact that the ratings have never been higher! He just hopes that the conflict between Noah and Jose and Alejandro doesn't end anytime soon!

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