Chapter Twenty-One

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"Good morning campers! Everyone, meet in front of my cottage in ten minutes!" Chris yells through the intercom.

The contestants' all groan and get out of their beds. They all hurry when getting ready, but thankfully make it there on time.

Chris stands in front of the mansion's entrance doors with Noah on his right side and Chef on his left. Noah has a clipboard with papers on it and seemed to be doing some paperwork. Chef is just being bitter. Chris seems to be having the time of his life.

"Alright campers, it's the beginning of the merge! That means you all are either in alliances or by yourselves. There will no longer be any help from any of the crew! Including Chef, Noah, and I!" Chris explains.


----LeShawna Confessional----

"I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing. Most likely both."

----End of Confession----


"This challenge is a heist challenge! Today you will all be robbing what I think is the most valuable painting of me. Which is going to be hard since I have so many! The first one to steal, the right one, and take it back to me, wins immunity!

If one of you gets caught, then the cottage will go onto lock down! Meaning that there will only be two exits, which since I can no longer help, I can't tell you where the two exits are. During the lock down you will have an hour to escape. The first two to escape also win immunity along with the winner of the first part of the challenge!

If none of you escape the lockdown part of the challenge, then it will be up to the wheel of fate to choose who will be eliminated." Chris laughs.

"So do we go through the front door or...?" Trent asks.

"Good question Trent! No. You do not go through the front door. This is a heist! You have to find another way inside." Chris answers.

"Are we allowed to go through all the rooms?" Sierra asks.

"Yes, everyone but you Sierra. Don't think that I forgot about that restraining order I got against you." Chris answers with a glare.

"Aw, shucks!" Sierra whines.

"Alright then. Well let's get going! The challenge starts, now!"


----Heather Confessional----

"Cottage he says. It's a literal mansion! How the hell are we going to sneak around and not get lost? And now that we don't have Noah's help, things are going to get a lot harder!"

----End of Confession----


All the alliances ran off to find different ways to get in.

Chris laughs and Chef looks at Noah.

"How much do you want to bet that they'll activate the alarm system in twenty minutes?" Chef asks.

"Oh please. Without our (my) help, they aren't going to last less than ten minutes." Answered Noah.

Chef laughs a bit. "Yeah, you're right. I'll bet for fifteen minutes, at most, and you bet for ten or less. If I win, you have to bake cookies with me. If you win, I'll give you some books. Deal?"

Noah thinks for a minute before smirking and nodding. "Alright, sure."


-Heather and Alejandro-

"Without Noah's help it'll be harder to do this." Heather points out with a snern

Alejandro thinks about it. "You're right. But that doesn't mean that he can't get someone else to help. We just need to continue being on his good side."


-Sierra and LeShawna-

"LeShawna! I'm so glad to be in an alliance with you. You're so amazing." Said Sierra.

LeShawna smiles. "Thanks girl. You're not too bad either."

"Yeah. Honestly, being in an alliance with Heather and Alejandro was an absolute no-go. Beth is alright I guess. DJ and Trent are nice but not as good as you. I absolutely hate Jose after what he did to my Cody-kins!" Sierra explained.

LeShawna nods. "I understand girl. It's not a problem. In full honesty, I don't trust that boy either. Not even Chris likes him, and he likes everyone who can get him more ratings and money."


-Jose, Beth, Trent, and DJ-

Jose tries to continue to smile as he hears Beth talk. He can't remember why he aligned with her in the first place.

He tries to keep an eye on Trent. He doesn't really need to worry about DJ, but Trent seems to be a bit bothersome.


----Jose Confessional----

"Trent is a bit useful. But as soon as he becomes a nuisance, he's gone."

----End of Confession----


Somehow, the contestants' have found their way inside.

"Finally! Took you all long enough!" Chris yells.

Noah sighs and continues doing paperwork while Chef just rolls his eyes and tries to pay attention to Noah and his work instead of the contestants'.


----Jose Confessional----

"I almost feel bad for the other contestants'. I mean, I know this place, like the back of my hand. But the others don't. I can't help but wonder what chance they'll have against me. Considering that none of us have Noah's help anymore."

----End of Confession----


(Twenty minutes in)

Beth was looking around and spotted a big diamond necklace. Her eyes widened and she smiles. She runs up to it a d grabs it.

The alarms go off in the mansion. Jose looks over Beth and glares at her. Trent shakes his head and DJ just sighs.

"Everyone! Prepare for your next part of the challenge, thanks to Beth, Jailbreak!" Chris announced through the intercom.

All the contestants' groan and try to get a good look at their surroundings.

"You're timer starts, now!"


Noah sighs. "Neither of us got it right. But you were closer."

"You got that right, kid. Me and you are going to bake cookies and cake later." Chef laughs.

Chris smiles at the two before looking at the camera. "Do you think that the contestants' will make it out in time? Find out after the break!"



LilithTheYammer- (Jailbreak idea.) Thank you for helping!

Laurenx1102- (Heist idea.) Thank you for helping!

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