Chapter Sixteen

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Noah, thankfully, got a day off from work and is currently in his room laying on his bed while watching a movie.

Unfortunately, his beginning of a nice day was cut short when Chris stormed in.

"Noah! I'm bored! There's nothing to do and Chef won't talk to me until breakfast's done!" Chris complains. He looks like he's about to say more but then he looks around Noah's room. "Why the hell is your room so.... plain? Didn't I raise you better than to keep your room so bland?" The narcissistic host asks.

Noah just rolls his eyes and pauses his movie before looking at Chris. "One, you didn't raise me and second, why does it matter if my room's bland?"

"Because it's unflashy! And you know that if you're in my house, everything has to be flashy! So, I now have an idea! As soon as Chef's done with breakfast, me and you are going to go shopping for your room. And Chef will stay here to watch the contestants'!" Chris announced with pride.

It doesn't seem that Noah will be able to get out of this one so he just sighs and tells Chris to do whatever before going back to watching his show.


Noah's eye twitched as he walked out the doors. "We're going shopping for decorating for my room, right?" He asks Chris.

"Yup!" Chris answers.

"Then what the hell is HE doing here!" Noah yells at Chris while pointing at Alejandro.

Alejandro smirks at Noah and chuckles a bit at his reaction.

"Well, after what happened with Justin, I thought that maybe when he's not playing on the show, he could be your body guard! I mean he did protect from Justin, Jose, and Duncan when he tried to push you off that cliff yesterday." Chris answers nonchalantly.

Noah looks at Chris like he grew another head, so, taking advantage of the situation as always, Alejandro walks up to Noah. He pulls Noah closer to him and puts two fingers under Noah's chin, making the smaller teen look up at him. He flashed a smile.

"Mi amor, all I want to do is protect you. Won't you let me do that?" The eel asks with that shit eating smirk on his face.

Noah blushes, but only because of how close they are! Yeah! That's the only reason, right?

Chris looks at them and groans. He walks over to them and pushes Alejandro away from Noah before getting in front of Noah. "Hey, I asked you to come here to protect him from people who want to flirt with him and get into his head. Not for you to do the exact same thing." Chris confirms.

"Yes, of course. Apologies, Chris." Alejandro said with a fake smile.

"Right. Now let's get going!"


Shopping wasn't as bad as Noah expected.

Chris was still being a narcissistic, lunatic, but he wasn't that bad. He helped Noah pick out nice bedding and wall decorations.

The eel wasn't that bad either. He helped Noah with clothing and helped find a great book store with amazing books for Noah to read.

Noah really did have a good time. Not that he would admit that.


Noah said good night to Alejandro before dropping the eel off at the hotel.

Luckily for Chris and Noah, Chef was done with dinner just as they got home. They ate together, told each other about their day, and watched a movie together. Like a real family.

When Noah went to bed that night, he fell asleep crying. But they weren't the type of tears that he was used to.

Instead of tears made of pain, they were tears of happiness.

Noah was crying with joy. And it was all because of a narcissistic eel, an even more narcissistic lunatic, and a bitter chef.

Not that he would ever admit that.

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