Chapter Nineteen

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The night between Noah and Alejandro went perfectly. They watched the meteor shower, cuddled; then they walked back to the hotel.

"This night was amazing, mi amor. Thank you." Alejandro said as he kissed Noah on the cheek.

Noah blushes as he looks up at Alejandro. "Of course. I enjoyed it." He says before he gives Alejandro one last hug.

"As did I, mi amor."

Alejandro hugs him back. Then the two parted ways.

Unknown to either of them, there was a pair of eyes watching them.


"Good morning campers! You guys got five minutes to get to the cliff so you can all start on your next challenge!" Chris's voice said through the speakers.

Everyone groans in annoyance. They all get into their bathing suits, and after getting ready, they all left to meet at the cliff.


"Alright, campers. Today's challenge will be extra special!" Chris laughs.

"First, one of your teammates will jump off the cliff to the bottom. Then that teammate will have to swim to the bottom of the lake and get one of the golden Chris statues, that is made of really gold. There is only one real golden statue; the others are all fake. After you get the statue, you will proceed to a boat, that will be driven by one of your fellow teammates, all around the island to the docks. The boat with your teammate will be waiting at the bottom for you, so try not to hit it when you jump in. Or do, I don't really care. Once you get to the dock, you'll give the statue to our dear friend, Noah. He will then tell you if the statue is real or not. If not, then you'll have to go back to the cliff and try again." The host explains with a sinister smile on his face.


----Heather Confessional----

"Knowing Chris, there has to be a catch. The question is, what is it?"

----End of Confession----


-----Alejandro Confessional----

"This doesn't really sound easy. And considering what happened in the first season, when they all had to go cliff diving, the big idiot might be a problem. A problem, I don't want to deal with."

----End of Confession----


"Have fun kids! I'll give you guys one minute to decide who's driving the boat!" Chris says as he walks away towards his chair.


-Team Flying Squirrels-

"Alright. Eva why don't you drive the boat." Alejandro suggested.

"Sure. It'll be faster that way." Eva agrees as he cracks her knuckles.

"Good! You get down there and wait for one of us to jump."


-Team Swimming Sharks-

Jose puts on a fake smile and looks at his team. "Look, I know that it's hard for you all to trust me, but for right now, let's put all hard feelings aside and try to focus on winning." He says with enthusiasm.

"He's right. Let's just put it behind us for right now and think about how we're gonna win!" DJ agrees.

"I'll drive the boat!" LeShawna answers.

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