Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chris isn't speaking. He hasn't spoken one bit since Noah woke up and it's starting to freak him out a bit.

Noah always, somehow, found a bit of comfort in the fact that Chris can, almost, stay calm and not get angry in any situation. But right now, he's never been less comfortable.

. . . . . .

A few hours ago, Noah had just woken up. His head hurt and so did his throat. At first, he couldn't really remember anything until he tried to get up. That's when he felt a, way too familiar, pain shoot up his body.

Oh yeah. He nearly drowned in a lake. Again.

He groaned and looked over to his right and was a bit shocked to see Chris and Chef both in chairs right beside his bed.

Were they here all night?

Noah woke both of them up and that's when Chef told him about what happened.

. . . . . .

"Chris." Noah said.

Chris looked over at him. But he still didn't say a word.

"Chris. I'm fine. You have a show to run." Noah tried to remind him.

Chris groaned and looked away. "I know, I know. But are you sure that you'll be okay? Maybe Chef can take over and I can stay with you!" The host suggests.

"Or maybe, I'll take care of him and you run the damn show." Chef replies.

"Yeah, Chef can stay with me and you go host your show. Everything will be okay, Chris. There's nothing to worry about." Noah smiles.

Chris thinks about it for a moment before smiling back. "Alright. I'll leave you with Chef. But, I'm gonna need to make this challenge one where I don't have to talk to those damn kids. I swear, if I hear even one of their voices talk about something that isn't a part of the challenge. I might just strangle them!" Chris said as his eyes twitched.

Noah laughed. "Hey, don't be too hard on them."

"I won't." The host lies.


"Morning campers! Everyone meet at the docks! I have a special challenge for you all!"


"Welp, time to get going. Come on, big guy." Trent says as he sits up from the sofa.

DJ nods his head but he has a worried face. "The challenge is starting a bit late. Do you think that something might have happened?"

Trent shrugs. "I don't know. But we might find out at the docks."


----DJ Confessional----

"I don't know why but I feel like something bad's about to happen. Or maybe it already happened?"

----End of Confession----


As Chris sees all of the contestants' walk up to the docks, he can't help but feel a fit of anger rise up inside him.

He forces a smile on his face as he begins to speak to the remaining six contestants'. "Hello everyone! Now, I know what you're all thinking, why is the challenge starting later than normal? Well I can answer that question for you. Earlier, I had decided to change the challenge that you guys were supposed to do."


----Jose Confessional----

"A change in plans? I cannot tell if that is a good or bad thing."

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