Chapter Twenty-Three Aftermath

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"Hello, everyone! It's Geoff here and I'm going to be hosting the aftermath!" Geoff says with a wide smile.

"Today, only seven of the eliminated contestants' will be participating in this challenge, as well as four others that will remain anonymous until the challenge actually starts. Give it up for ex contestants', Justin, Cody, Harold, Katie, Gwen, Duncan, and Bridgette. Come on out here guys and gals!"

The seven ex contestants' all come into the room with smiles on their faces.

"It's so good to see you all again. How have you all been?" Geoff asks.

"We've all been good. I'm pretty sure that I can say for all of us that we're glad to be off that death trap of an island." Gwen replies with several nods, supporting her claim.

"No kidding. I think that this season was definitely different from the others, certainly more difficult with a certain contestant." Bridgette answers.

"Oh? And who might that certain contestant be exactly?" Geoff asks, even though he already knew the answer.

"Jose Burromuerto." Everyone answers.

"That's right folks. Jose Burromuerto is probably the most challenging contestant that we've had so far. But the question is, how long will he stay in the game to continue being a pain?"

"You're saying that as if there was an answer." Duncan states with an annoyed tone.

"Oh, but Duncan there is! Today's challenge is one where the winner can decide who gets voted off the island in the next challenge!" Geoff announced.

Everyone stood there in shock. Did Geoff really just say that there was a way to get that pain off the show?

"Alright!" Harold cheered.

"Not so fast man. This challenge is going to be a hard one. For you guys anyway. As most of us know, McLean and Chef had just officially adopted Noah. So, as a celebration, McLean put this challenge together. The challenge is called "Who Knows Noah Best?"."

"You have got to be kidding me." Duncan groans.

"This shouldn't be too hard. Right?" Bridgette asks.

"Girl, have you met Noah?" Katie replies.

"Anyway! As you all can see, there is a button right in front of you. If you know what the answer is, you hurry up and press it. If not, don't touch it. If you press it and you get the answer wrong, you have one more try before you're out. For every question you get right, you get a point. Plain and simple. Now, all of you, sit down and I'll get the others."


"Yup! I don't know anything about Noah, so McLean decided to add four other people to the party! Give it up for Courtney, Owen, Eva, and Izzy!" Geoff says pointing to the other door.

The four teens walk in with smiles on their faces.

"How have you guys been?" Geoff asks as the four sit down.

"I've been good. Going to law school is doing wonders." Courtney answers.

"Our lives have been great! Chris lets us keep in touch with Noah just in case he gets bored! Well, Eva and I kinda made him, but it still technically counts!" Izzy explains with a laugh.

"Yeah, I haven't seen my little buddy so happy!" Owen adds with a chuckle.

Geoff laughs, "That's good to hear. You guys ready?"

"As ready as we'll ever be." Eva answers.

"Alright! Well, get ready because the challenge starts.... Now!"


"First question. How many siblings does Noah have?"

Cody presses the button. "Eight!"

Izzy laughs and nods. "Correct! Point Cody!"

"Second Question. What is Noah's favorite song?"

Gwen presses the button. "He doesn't have one. To Noah, all music is the same."

Eva nods. "That's right. Point Gwen."

"Third Question. Does Noah like physical touch?"

Surprisingly, it was Justin who pressed the button. "No, he doesn't like physical touch. He gets uncomfortable if someone he doesn't know, or cares about, touches him."

Courtney nods. "Correct. Point Justin."

Eva rolls her eyes. "He should know." She mutters. Izzy chuckles in response.

"Fourth question. Is Noah a dog or a cat person?"

"He's a dog person!" Cody answers.


The challenge continues and now it's just down to Gwen and Cody.

"Alright, last question. Whoever answers this first, and gets it right, wins.

What is Noah's last name?"

There was silence for a moment. Then the sound of a buzz goes through the air.

Cody had pressed his button. "Noah's last name is McLean." He answers.

Owen smiles widely and laughs. "Correct! My little buddy changed his last name as soon as he was allowed to. Now, instead of Noah Sterecra, it's Noah McLean!" He explains.

"There it is folks, you all heard it right. Noah's new name is Noah McLean." Geoff says to the camera before looking at Cody. "Well, Code-man, I'd ask who you were going to vote out but I think we all have an answer."

Cody nods. "Yup. Jose better have a good night's sleep tonight because he's gonna be gone by morning."

Geoff laughs and turns his attention back to the camera. "Well that's all folks. Get ready to say bye, bye to Jose and hello to the new McLean! See ya next time, on,


Shout outs:

Magicman573- (Who Knows Noah Best, challenge idea.)

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