Chapter Fourteen

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Noah woke up from his bed and sat up. He wasn't particularly happy about the challenge today mainly because he has to participate in it, but what can he do about it? It is a part of his job after all.

He groans and gets up from his bed then walks to his bathroom to get ready.


Everyone's already in the dining room eating breakfast when Noah walks in. He goes over to his table and pulls out some paperwork. Not that he wants to do it, but it's better than having to listen to the interns complaining to him about Chris.

He sighs and writes some stuff down on a notepad when suddenly he hears an all too familiar voice. He looks up and sees Justin. He groans, he really doesn't want to talk to Justin.

"Noah, I wanted to apologize for what I did to you a few nights back. It was rude of me and I shouldn't have done it." Justin says with an apologetic tone.

'Justin apologized? Justin?' Noah looks at the taller male with shock. Justin really just apologized to him.

"Uh- I don't know Justin. I can't trust you, but I could try and give you a chance..." He says with a less shocked expression and more of a neutral one.

Justin smiles at him. "Of course! Thank you, Noah! And sorry again." Justin says before he goes back to his table and continues to eat.

Noah sighs and goes back to his paperwork. Considering the challenge today, that will most likely not be the last time he sees Justin.


Alejandro is not having a good start to his day. Why? Justin. Justin is why.

Alejandro's day starts off normal. He wakes up, takes a shower, gets ready, and goes to eat breakfast. Then, as soon as he walks into the dining room, he's met with the most blood boiling sight of his life. Justin was talking to Noah. His Noah. The Noah that begged Justin to leave him alone.

'Does this guy have no shame?' Alejandro thinks to himself out of anger.

Then Justin made it worse by smiling at Noah and walking away like he just won the prize money! The nerve!

Alejandro decides to just get some breakfast and cool down. He'll ask Noah about it later.

Then Chris walked in.

"Hello everyone!" The host says as he stands in front of the table that Noah was sitting at. "Today's Challenge is a very special challenge! It contains a few of my favorite games to play and it also makes it so that I'm entertained while you guys play! So with that being said, you guys have five minutes to get to the front. From there you will be escorted by Chef to get to the challenge location!"


After the contestants' go outside they're greeted with Chef standing in front with a bus.

"Hurry it up kids!" Chef yells at them.

They all get into the bus and start talking to each other about what they think the challenge is gonna be.


Noah is currently on the roof of where the challenge will be taking place. Chris said that since he won't be doing much till the end of the challenge, he could take his paperwork and a book with him to keep him entertained for the time being.

He doesn't really hate paperwork all that much. Most of the time he actually likes doing it. It's odd but natural at the same time. At least this way he won't have to worry about dealing with the challenges. In full honesty, he would take doing, weirdly fun, paperwork over, stupidly dangerous, challenges any day.

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