Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Good morning my beloved campers! Welcome to the final three! You guys got ten minutes to finish breakfast before meeting me at the cliff!"

Alejandro sighs when he hears the announcement. He hasn't been feeling that great since Heather's elimination.

Did it really seem like I was using Noah? What if he thinks that way as well? Alejandro thinks to himself as he ate.

I'll talk to him after the competition is over. Then we can clear up what's happening and finally get together.

Alejandro finishes his meal and starts walking to the cliff.


Noah was happy that Heather was staying with them. Ever since World Tour, the two of them have been very close. They also have so many things in common. They both have shitty parents, they both hate this dumbass show, they both love making fun of people, and so on.

As soon as Heather walked through the door, Noah ran over and welcomed her. They talked for a bit before Chef made them start cooking dinner. They laughed and threw food at each other before Chef yelled at them and started cooking with them to make sure that they wouldn't fool around.

After dinner, they all watched movies and Heather and him made fun of the actors for all the dumb shit they did. They stayed up all night talking about what they want their lives to be like when the show's over.

Noah was happy that Heather was back. He was also happy that Chris seemed to be doing better. He wasn't hovering over Noah all the time anymore. It was amazing.

That morning Chris, Chef, and the crew had to leave to prepare for the show, leaving Heather and Noah alone.

"So, are you going to take out those contacts? It's just you and me now." Heather says as they both lay on the floor of the living room.

"Maybe, but I'll need to put on my glasses afterwards." Noah answers.

After the electric eel pond incident, Noah went completely blind in his right eye and only a little bit blind in his left. He can still see things in his left eye, it's just really blurry; so he has to either wear contacts or glasses.

Noah sits up and starts taking the contacts out. Heather sat up as well to get him his glasses and some makeup remover.

After he gets out the contacts, he takes the glasses from Heather. He then looks at the makeup remover.

"What's that for?" He asks.

"Well, if you aren't going to wear your contacts, maybe you should remove the makeup from your face." She answers.

Noah thinks for a minute before taking the makeup remover wipes.

He has gotten scars all over his body from the electric eels and the rocks from the pond. There's some on his face too and since he doesn't like looking at it, he covers them with makeup.

After he's done, he sighs and looks at Heather. She smiles at him and puts her hand on his head before messing up his hair.

"You know, maybe we should make you look brand new. Come on, let's go get some hair dye and supplies!"


Chris smiles as he looks at the contestants'. "Good morning! Today's challenge will be another swimming challenge! Today you all will get swimming gear, jump off the cliff, and swim all the way to boney island. Once you're there, you have to grab one item that is of value to me, and bring it back. Whoever has the best item gets immunity." He explained.

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