Chapter Twenty-two

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Last time on Total Drama Payback!

All the contestants' are doing a heist challenge and are trying to steal the most precious painting that Chris has of himself. But unfortunately, Beth being Beth, ruins the first part of the challenge and gets them into the second part. Jailbreak. Will the contestants' get out in time without being caught?

Find out this time on Total, Drama, Payback!


- With Jose, Beth, DJ, and Trent-

"Beth." Trent says sternly.

"Sorry." She apologizes.

DJ sighs and looks around. "Man, it's going to be impossible to get out." He sighs.

Jose gives a fake smile and pats DJ on the shoulder. "Don't worry, mi amigo. We'll find a way out. But for right now, we need to find that painting. So I believe that it may be a good idea that we split up." Jose explains.


----DJ Confessional----

"I think that I may know what the right painting is. I saw a painting with Chris, Chef, and Noah on a wall in the hallway.

I know that Mamma won't be happy to hear this but a few nights ago, I was going outside for some fresh air when I heard voices. I admit that I got a bit freaked out at first but I decided to follow the voices. Turns out, the voices belong to Alejandro and Noah. They were going to go watch a meteor shower at the top of the cliff.

I followed them and what I heard shocked me. Apparently, Chris and Chef were working on adopting Noah! Can you believe it? I mean, I saw a few hints that they cared for the little guy but I didn't know that they cared that much!

So, when I saw that painting of the three of them together. I knew that that was the most valuable painting that Chris has of himself. And if I wanna get immunity, I'm gonna need that painting. Sorry, Mamma."

----End of Confession----


-With Heather and Alejandro-

The two walk side-by-side looking around. It was silent as the two continued walking, trying not to alert the security. Until Heather broke the silence.

"So." Heather whispers.

"So?" Alejandro whispers back with confusion.

"So, are you and Noah-it-all together yet?" She asks.

"First of all, don't call him that. Secondly, why does it matter to you?" He asks in annoyance.

Heather rolls her eyes. "First, I can call him whatever I want. Second, it matters to me because if you two are in a secret relationship, I'm gonna need to give you the shovel talk."


----Alejandro Confessional----

"What the hell is a "shovel talk"?"

----End of Confession----


"Uh, no, we aren't. He doesn't seem to trust me." He answers.

Heather sighs. "Well, did you make any moves on him?"

"Well, a few nights ago, we watched the meteor shower on the cliff together." He answers.

"Okay, that's a start." Heather replied.

"We talked and looked into the sky. He cuddled into my chest as I held him. We almost-" He was cut off by Heather slapping him on the back of the head.

"Idiot!" She yelled.

"What did I do?" He asks, rubbing his head.

"He clearly likes you if he cuddled you!"

"He did that with Cody!" He defends.

"He was unconscious! He didn't know what he was doing. But when you two were cuddling he was, hopefully, very much awake!" She yells. "You know that Noah has bad trust issues! He hates physical contact UNLESS it's from someone, or something, he cares about!"


----Alejandro Confessional----

"Heather has a point. For some reason, Noah has very bad trust issues and he hates physical contact more than he hates sports! Maybe, he does like me!"

----End of Confession----


Chris groans as he sits with Noah and Chef.

"I'm so bored! Are they done yet?" The host asks.

Noah looks at the camera footage and shakes his head.

"They have twenty more minutes." Chef says.

Chris groans again.


Trent and LeShawna eventually find their way out, along with DJ.

"Finally! Took you guys long enough!" Chris says with annoyance.

Noah rolls his eyes and sighs. "I'll let the others out." He replies before walking towards the control room.

Chris smiles again and laughs. He looks over at DJ and his smile widens. "Look at what we have here! DJ, mind showing us the picture of me that you have gotten?"

DJ smiles and shows the painting. Chris's smile softens at the sight of the painting. "Looks like we have our winners! LeShawna, Trent, and DJ! Everyone else, I'll see you at elimination!"


Beth was sent home for being the reason why they got trapped in the first place. Sierra and DJ were the only ones a bit sad to see her go but it is what it is.



Chris sighed as he looked at the footage. It's about dinner time and he and the crew had just gotten done with editing the new episode. He grabs all his stuff and gets into his helicopter.

Luckily, none of the contestants' broke anything in his home, so he could possibly sleep comfortably.

He walks into the cottage (mansion). "I'm home!" He yells.

"We're in the Kitchen!"

Chris walks into the kitchen and sees Noah at the table and Chef at the counters, making dinner.

Noah looks at him and smiles.

"Welcome back."


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