Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chris is still pretty pissed that he couldn't find out who it was that pushed Noah into the lake. He was also angry about the fact that Noah completely forgot who it was. The producers said to let it go and to move on. So here he is, doing what he does best to try and forget about his rage.

"Hello everyone! Today is your lucky and unlucky day! You guys all have five minutes to get to the campfire pit! So hurry up!"


As the campers all wait at the campfire pit, Chris walks in with a wheelbarrow fool of presents.

"I know that you all may be wondering why we have presents. Well, today's challenge is a secret Santa challenge! Each one of these presents have an object that was used from each of the challenges where the ex contestants' were eliminated. Some are deadly and others aren't. Whoever guesses the most correct answers wins and whoever loses will be going home!" Chris explains.

"McLean, what about the contestants' that were eliminated in pairs or groups?" Trent asks.

"Great question Trent. The answer is that for each pair, or group that was eliminated, there will be a different object of their challenge within their present!"


----Jose Confessional----

Jose punches the confessional's wall.

"knew that I should've remembered how those morons got eliminated. Ahora, debido a mi falta de atención hacia esos idiotas, podría perder este maldito desafío."

----End of Confession----


The challenge began and Alejandro was first up.

He picked up a present and opened it. Inside was a scorpion. Alejandro yelped and dropped the box.


----Alejandro Confessional----

"A scorpion! Out of all things?! Great, amazing, perfect! When the hell did a scorpion make its appearance in a challenge?"

----End of Confession----


Alejandro thought about it. Then he looked over at Jose. His older brother was shivering at the sight of the scorpion. Alejandro smirked to himself.

Oh, yeah. Jose has a huge fear of scorpions.

That's when it hit him, fear!

"This was the "concur your fears" challenge! The main one that was eliminated was Justin!" Alejandro answers.

"Ding, ding, ding! Correct! Point Alejandro!"


As the challenge continues and the contestants' all open their presents. Chris began to get bored and started making some phone calls.


It was the last present. The score was between Jose and Trent. If Jose gets this guess on the present right, then he's safe. If he doesn't, then he's going home.

Jose opens the box present and looks inside.

There was an immunity statue. He knew just what this one was.

"The tag challenge. When I got immunity and Sierra had to go home in my place." He announced.

Trent sighed. "Well, it was nice being with you guys this season."

"We'll miss you, tell Harold I said hi." LeShawna said.

"See, ya next time Trent." Said Heather.

"Adios, Amigo. It was a pleasure meeting you." Alejandro says with a frown.

Jose smiles and puts his hand on Trent's shoulder. "Goodbye my friend. I wish that you could have stayed longer."

Trent smiles at Jose. "Thanks man."


Trent leaves and Chris turns to the camera. "What do you all think? Was Jose sincere when he said that Trent, or was he just trying to get some sort of support? Will the stuff I ordered finally come to me in the mail? Find out next time on Total Drama Payback!"

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Chris guides Noah down to the living room of the mansion. "Don't open your eyes yet!"

Noah laughs. "I won't calm down."

Chris laughs as well before leaving Noah at the door frame and walking further into the room.

"You can open your eyes now!"

Noah opens his eyes and is shocked.

Owen, Eva, Izzy, Courtney, Chris, and Chef were all there in the living room. They were all standing in front of a big tree with decorations and big piles of presents around it.

"What- what is all this?" Noah asks.

Owen smiles and pulls Noah into a bone crushing hug. "We know that you've never had a Christmas before so here you are!"

Noah looks at all of them. Tears start to run down his face as he does. He smiles and laughs.

"Thank you."




D1sn3yFrOppy: (Wholesome day with Noah, Chris, and Chef ideas.)

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