Chapter Twenty

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Jose, Beth, DJ, and Trent.
Sierra and LeShawna.
Alejandro and Heather.


----Sierra Confessional----

"I hate Jose! How dare he kick off my little Cody bear! He'll get what's coming for him!"

----End of Confession----


----LeShawna Confessional----

"I don't trust that boy as far as I can throw him. He kicked off several different contestants' in a matter of hours! Now I know where Alejandro gets it from."

----End of Confession----


----Heather Confessional----

"I need a strong alliance if I'm gonna win against Jose. And, unfortunately, Alejandro is my best bet."

----End of Confession----


-----Alejandro Confessional----

"I understand why Jose's making alliances. He's only doing it for safety. Making sure that he won't get out. But I'm going to be the one to make sure that it will happen."

----End of Confession----


----Beth Confessional----

"Can you blame me for going into an alliance with Jose? He's super hot! And he's like a power house! With him, I can win easily!"

----End of Confession----


----DJ Confessional----

"Look, I know how this looks right now. But I wanna make Mamma proud. So I have to win! And plus, maybe there's some good deep down inside him. Maybe."

----End of Confession----


----Trent Confessional----

"I really don't wanna be in an alliance with Jose but I don't really have any other choice. Plus, I wanna make sure that he doesn't do anything to hurt DJ or Beth. And you never know, DJ might be right. There might be some type of good buried deep down inside of Jose. Deep, deep down."

----End of Confession----



----Jose Confessional----

"It's child's play really. Make sure that I have some allies just in case Al gets any ideas. But, then again, I'm much better than him, so I'll be able to avoid any idiotic challenges he tries to throw at me. Pero si DJ, Trent o Beth se interponen en mi camino. Ya no están."

----End of Confession----



(Authors Note:
Hey guys!
Sorry for any spelling errors that might be in here.

If you have any requests or ideas, please let me know in the comments.

Have a fantastic day or night!)

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