Chapter Seven

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When Noah wakes up, he finds himself asleep on his desk. He groans and turns off his alarm then gets up to start getting ready.


Once he's done he looks at his emails. Chris sent him one about the new challenge. So he reads about it.

"It does seem interesting. I wonder if they'll finally find out who Jose really is after this challenge.


Chris gathered up all the contestants' in the middle of the woods. He smiles at all the contestants'.

"Well everyone! I hope you all had a good night's sleep! Because we're going to do a scavenger hunt today!" He yells with excitement. "Each team will pick one person to look for the tapes of each confession in the confessional! The scavengers will be given till night fall to look for all the tapes. Whoever can find the most tapes or even all of them will win the challenge and get to watch them all! There are 48 tapes in all! So get ready!"

The contestants' all look shocked


----Heather Confessional----

"Is he serious! I can't believe him!"

----End of Confession----


----Jose Confessional----

"This will be a piece of cake. All that I have to do is convince all of my teammates to let me do the scavenger hunt and once they do, Al will see me do the challenge and will want to beat me. But since I'm much better than him, it'll be easy for me to win."

----End of Confession----


It was time for the two teams to start picking their scavengers.


-Team Swimming Sharks-

"Who should we pick to be the scavenger?" LeShawna asks.

"Amigos, I believe that it should be me. Because if I go, then Al will want to go as well just to prove that he's better than me. I know his plans and how his mind works. It will give us the advantage." He says with a, so called, kind smile.

"You do have a point Jose. If we get the opportunity to get the upper hand, we should take it with full force." Trent agrees, along with the others.

"So then it's settled, I'll take the role as the scavenger. Don't worry, my team, I will not disappoint." Jose says. He then looks over towards where Noah was to find him not there anymore. 'I wonder where he ran off to.' He thinks to himself before bringing his attention back to the team.


-Team Flying Squirrels-

Alejandro watches the other team. He knows what Jose is playing at. He wants to make sure that he doesn't give his older brother the satisfaction of winning, so he chose to let the person he knows is good at this kind of game be the scavenger.

"Everyone, I have a person in mind who could be our scavenger." He then looks over towards Eva. "Eva, can you be our scavenger?"

Eva just glares at him. "Why me?"

"Because Jose knows nothing about you. If you go, he won't know how to mess with your head. And plus, I'm pretty sure that it's Noah who is hiding the tapes. You know him second best to Owen. You understand his mind and can find your way around Chris's obstacles. It will give us the upper hand."

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