Chapter Nine

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"Alright my money makers! Everyone will meet in the main hall for breakfast, there i will tell you all what your challenge is for today!" Chris says through intercoms that come through speakers that are hidden in every hotel room.

All the contestants' groan as they get up and start getting ready.


The dining room is a big room with three tables and seven chairs.

There is one very large table with two chairs in the front of the dining room. That table is where Chris and Noah sit.

When the contestants' walk in, they all sit down and wait for their food.

The interns, unfortunately, have to serve them food. Chef makes the food then the interns serve it.

Noah wasn't really paying any attention to the contestants'. He was working on his paperwork at the table while also mapping out the work for the next challenge.


The contestants' all start eating.

Then Chris walks into the room. "Hello everyone! As you all know, Jose got punched in the jaw by Eva last night. Luckily, he's alright and he will be joining us in the second part of the challenge." He says as he sits down.


----Gwen Confessional----

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Jose's okay, but if what Eva said was true then I believe that what he got was what he deserved."

----End of Confession----


----Heather Confessional----

"Wait, what did Chris mean by Jose will join us later? Usually he says "you" as in us the contestants'. But this time he said "us" as if he was joining."

----End of Confession----


"Noah can you give me the papers so that I can tell them how this challenge works?" Chris asks, holding out his hand.

Noah gives the papers to Chris without looking at him and continues doing paperwork.

"Alright everyone! The challenge is Hide and seek! This challenge will go on for three days!"


----LeShawna Confessional----

"Did he just say three days?"

----End of Confession----


"The there are four groups of hiders and four groups of Seekers. Groups North and West will go today. Then groups South and East will go tomorrow!" Chris continues to explain.

"Wait, you said that there was three days! But that only counts up to two!" Heathers yells.

"I'll tell you the third day in a moment!" Chris groans. "I will tell you your groups now!"


Hiders (that day)- Sadie, Katie, Cody, and LeShawna.

Seekers (that day)- DJ, Justin, Tyler, Trent, and Duncan.

Hiders (the next day)- Gwen, Lindsey, Izzy, Jose, Geoff, and Beth.

Seekers (the next day)- Heather, Harold, Owen, Eva, Sierra, and Alejandro.

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