Chapter 5 | Before Action

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---Arc: Sparks Can Kindle In Broken Hearts---

---Across The Ocean---

---SMS Bayern (Super Dreadnought) Point of View---

"...Really?! They want more reinforcements. Isn't their navy already big enough?" Carrier KMS Rhein comments rather confused and puzzled with the request overlooking the document with my daughter Bismarck. Sitting down in a leather chair in front my daughter's desk, I spoke with arms crossed. "Yes, but the Eagle Unions is larger. Sakura Empire is outnumbered 3 to 1." My daughter bouncing off my claim, she proves a further point for the need in this request. "Coupled with their industrial might and ability to isolate and self-sustain in all aspects of material including oil. They don't have much reason to struggle with pushing out even more vessels. Unlike what we can with the Royal Navy, Sakura empire can't just do convoy raiding to bring the giant to its knees." Rhein understanding now bounces off Bismarck's and I. Speaking with sudden understanding whilst sitting up and taking his hands off the desk. "So, they'll have to dismantle their navy till they buckle." Both of us nod, letting him know that was the ticket. Kids' finally using that noggin of his. "They've already been sent Hipper, Eugen, Z23, T31, and Scharnhorst. We have to be careful about who we sent next; we can't give so much that we leave ourselves weak on our own front." Bismarck states, placing her hands together over the table, and sitting back in her seat sighing, just stuck in a spot of bother.

"We have more unazured vessels then we do Azured, and compared to the rest of the world, we're a great deal outnumbered after the treaty of Versailles. . . Half the fleet we had from the great war are gone, though we still have those whom were azured during that war... Not that there's a lot of us... Even if there was, I'm afraid in the new age of carriers we're a bit lacking in effectiveness, we'd need significant refitting to be capable of fending against aircraft and matching off against the more modern battleships and vessels... Which will take resources that we severely lack. But if we we're to go to Sakura Empire to assist... They could sponsor such a refit." I explain, which made the options of who to send in only obvious to her. She sat forwards shaking her head. "I'm not sending you in to die dad. That's off the table of discussion." She tells me rather firmly, with an amused laugh, I comment with a smile of pride seeing her take worry for us old farts.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I'm afraid it's the only logical option you have right now. Sakura Empire needs vessels, and we need them to take down the Eagle Union before the sleeping giant has time to fully awake. Their first battles must be decisive. I have no doubt that with a proper refit, and with the High Seas Fleet's experience, that we can ensure that their next battle is just that. Decisive." I argue calmly making my point heard. "He's right. No offense to the High Seas Fleet, but their outdated, they still run on coal, and keeping that supply of coal available to them is becoming next to impossible. The Sakura Empire's coal supply isn't much better, but compared to us, it's far bigger. Not to mention they have the material needed to refit them. The only other allies we have with the materials to refit such a big fleet. Is the Sardegna Empire, which we can't reach, the Strait of Sicily and the Strait of Messina are blockaded by the Royal navy." Rhein explains, walking, and sitting down in the chair beside me.

"I understand the sentiment, but with all due respect, the vessels there in dire need of are carrier vessels. Of which we have only 8, half of them are light carriers, not fleet carriers. The Royal Navy alone already out numbers us in vessels, and especially in carrier. Sending just one to help them could have negative consequences for us." She explains, I once more make my own comment. "No one understands the dire situation we're in more than me. I've seen what combat with the Royal navy looks like, and I've seen the industrial might of the Eagle Union in the great war. That being said, no one in this room is more aware of the importance of Sakura Empire's success. I feel I must remind you that the Eagle Union's more than capable of fighting two fronts, and not breaking a sweat. Furthermore, they're equally as capable of supplying likely the entire world with the needs and supplies to fight God himself. At any moment they could decide to assist the Royal Navy in our Theater. IF that happens, we're as good as dead. It'll be like the first world war all over again. Sakura Empire MUST at all costs, take the eagle union out of this war if we are to have any chance of success against defeating the Royal Navy. Even if it's dangerous to reinforce them anymore then we already have, it's a risk we must take!" I stress the importance of the situation at hand. Rhein, despite feeling equal with Bismarck's opinion on the matter speaks up.

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