Chapter 21 | The Shackles Of Affection

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---Sekiryu Point Of View---

Racing across the waters! My destination the frontlines! Glaring directly above! The P51 racing away! My eyes landing unto Cowpens as he was hugged by his woman. With a grit of my teeth, my dragon shaped eyes show but only disgust! Darting my eyes ahead! I charge in! Spinning my blade in hand and into the other! Dashing ahead full steam! Firing off two advanced Zeroes loaded down with bombs! One off left the other off right! They begin to pincer in on one location! Leaping and lunging across the ocean! As I swung my blade for the back turned Dreadnought engaging a friendly battleship! By the reflection of the waters! Spotting, spinning, grabbing the blade with her grips! Slicing open her palms as she does so! Yanking me around as she continued to spin back around, Firing casemates as she forced herself to spin faster releasing the blade as it had missed! Causing me to pass ahead! Almost off balance! Almost out of control! Back turned to the arriving aircraft! Her eyes dart behind her! Her anti aircraft batteries unleashing hell onto these oceans! Onto those planes! But it's all to late!

As her eyes widened and spelled of suppressed fear! P51's and AM-1's rain from the skies! Lighting up the planes from above! Holes form across the entire length and width of the aircrafts! An along the way! An AM-1's many 20mm shells ring through one plane's tail! Then explodes inside! Destroying the supports holding it to the fuselage! It separates! It falls, and the entire plane breaks off course! Crashing past New York! From the skies as the second reaches her! Cowpens arrives with a flying drop kick! Going straight through the engine cowling! The weight of a falling! Crash landing super carrier! The engine block crumbles and buckles beneath the might! The entire direction movements of the plane disrupted and redirected within the instant!!! The plane bends rolls and explodes into thousands of smaller pieces against his mighty weight and strength! His 15 aircraft leveling out and chasing me down!

P51's racing well ahead of what they escort, loaded down with wing mounted 500 kg bombs they tuck towards me and ahead of my movement path! Dropping and chucking bombs along my path! Dictating and manipulating the path I could take! Redirecting my directional in puts completely away from the battle lines! AM-1's Loaded down! Three with three 2,000+ LB Torpedo's EACH! Three with 3 2,000 LB+ Bombs! And three with sets of three Mark I Naval Magnetic mines! (1,000 lbs + worth of explosives per mine) The mine carriers thunder ahead and far above their counter parts! The Torpedo carrying craft fan out! Moving in from southeast! Southwest and south! Aka three directions from behind me!

Spreading out their torpedoes as they dropped them! Followed by firing down range 20 mm shots before pulling back! And racing back to Cowpens for resupply! The bomb carrying craft! Form a spear head formation! Dropping from 500 feet above! My anti-aircraft guns instantly going to work trying to down the biggest threat! The bomb carriers! But no longer carrying Cowpens cube, his wisdom cube's experience in combat! Never commissioned, never trained. An lacking any combat experience memories with this new cube!!! I'm unable to land a single hit on the aircraft! Dropping their bombs one after another a single from each behind! Direct above and direct ahead of me!!! They know that I'll have to take a bomb head on to dodge the torpedoes! They know that I'll have to take a torpedo hit to dodge the bombs! And then the Mine carriers fan out! Tossing their mines out across a battle line that separated me from heading towards the frontline! Shouting as he finished addressing his dreadnought comrade. With wrath inside his eyes. Spinning around his sword as he charged in! New York staying behind! Returning to assisting her nephews in combat against our friendly capital ships! Pointing out his blade tip at me as the torpedoes arrive! The bombs, and I turn and twist around! Looking all around, above, and bellow me! panicked by the sight! Desperately thinking what to do! (All that power and strength yet you just can't figure out how to use it!)

The Shackles Of Affection | Male Warship | Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now