(Rewritten) Chapter 11 | When Nations Begin To Crumble

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-The Birth Of A Gentle Dragon-


All but one month had past since Cowpens had been laid to rest, buried with in the Eagle Union. The nation falls into depression, the people into despair as it's navy repeatedly dealt blows, Pearl Harbor... Now this humiliating defeat that two carriers, Destroyers, light cruisers and more no matter their size, no matter their strength. No matter how few in numbers. Not a single Japanese ship sunk in return... Only a lossy number of outdated German!!! Vessels!? Whom weren't even meant to be in this theater! Their growing hate, and the navy's growing anger, in the death of grief spoke loudly. It told of only vengeance in which it lusts. Plans came into being with in secret to settle the countries resolve for their perceived justice against the so far untouched Sakura Empire. Leading the secret charge would be those grieving losses from the recent battle. A battle that left so many dead, and so many with empty seats at the dinner table. Amongst them, Hornet and the Cleveland class family. In secret, in the dead of night. Without informing chain of command, without a word, in dead silence. Ships slip from the harbor. Bound for the heart of their eternal enemy... The Sakura Empire. The plan was simple... Give unto them eternal vengeance.

For Cowpens, trapped inside a contaminated & damaged wisdom cube. He would be found to be fighting a losing battle, as Kaga would in secret, from both her sisters, from her nation, and from her people tamper with the box of Cowpens. Pushing deep to ensure his each... And every memory was what she wanted it to be. Of either her... Or of nothing at all. A clean slate that which she ultimately. Would prey upon every inch of. But despite all the experiments, despite all the torture of this blue box of memories, combat data, and more. Cowpens, remained beyond strong. Each and every day, the memories lost, would come back before she could have him reazured into a ship of her choosing. Every morning she'd act in different ways to essentially delete his mind. And every night he'd come back. All be it, with less and less of his core memories intact then they had been the previous morning. She would work tirelessly, and without diminishing confidence, with undying motivation. To change his stored memories, into that of memories, love, and care for a nation and it's allies ideals. Starting from the day after her recovery from his wounds... That he'd inflicted upon her... and Ultimately ending.

When everything that was edged deep with in his very cubed soul

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When everything that was edged deep with in his very cubed soul... Had burned... away by the tides of decay-

 away by the tides of decay-

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