Chapter 32 | I Love You

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---Saga: Lets Finish This---

---May 25th---


---Bismarck Point Of View---

The explosive cargo explodes inside it's holds, and with it, the last of the convoy has begun to sink towards the bottom. Young men, sailors, flood out of the ship, desperately, they race to lifeboats, and depart from their once mighty cargo vessel! From where I stand, vessels burn, split, creak, and moan all around me, from the center of what was once a massive fleet of armored, and armed cargo ships. Now only sinking hulks, with crying, scared, terrified, and struggling men in the waters. Naval code states I should rescue them, bring them back as POW's, but the fate that'll befall them back home, is far worse than what nature, the ocean, and its fish will have on them. I have no intensions of dragging back innocent young men, to be fuel to a industry of death. Some, more terrified of the water than one expects of one who's job is to sail atop it, scream out for mothers, for fathers, hell, some even scream out for the mercy of a bullet for a swift sudden end.

Others, scream and command over the situation, rallying together their lifeboats, calling out over radio SOS messages for hopeful rescue by friendly ships, terrified of the prospect they may come as POW's with me, unaware, I hadn't the slightest intent. I tune out the pain and screams, the creak and groan of steel, the boiling of paint and rust protection coating off ships as they burn. The occasional secondary explosion as fires reach new cargo holds. Tilting my hat down wards, hopeful to shield my vision from the atrocities I've placed onto mankind by the name and request of my home. An I stay in silence.

West, an azured vessel approached, I had my back turned to the west, an so I don't see them

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West, an azured vessel approached, I had my back turned to the west, an so I don't see them. Launching his own ships lifeboats, and sending them towards those struggling in the waters. He spoke, breaking the silence, and announcing his arrival. "I was hopeful I'd find you out here, though, I can't say I was excited to see my own in the waters... But given the situation. . . I can't say I wasn't prepared to see it." That voice! I don't believe what my ears pick up, an so I turned around, I looked back with my eyes widening, and tilting back my hat. There, amongst the edge of chaos. Only illuminated by the flames of wrecked cargo ships. Sekiryu stood, looking back at me, with this mixture of joy yet another emotion. As he stood surrounded by drowning sailors. "C-Cowpens?" (She means the Sekiryu she fell for btw whom she now knows was just Cowpens btw) Hopeful, just, hopeful that it was him... Just... Somehow... He nodded once, firm and with a soft smile.

(This is a good time to explain Sekiryu and Cowpens/Midways odd abilities here! Cowpens! Can take control of Sekiryu! And Sekiryu can to Cowpens as well! Sekiryu! Is the Cowpens personality that developed in Sekiryu during the NAVAL BALL! The Sekiryu we saw from Cowpens' cube in the Naval ball Arc more specifically. Sekiryu! Currently! KNOW'S that he is Cowpens! They have almost Identical ideals! An due to having a combined mind with Cowpens! Sekiryu has a massive bias for the Eagle Union! But still has some of his own opinions and agenda's! Such as the Bismarck Agenda! So! To ensure there's no confussion! The person interacting with Bismarck! IS Sekiryu! Not Cowpens CONTROLLING! Sekiryu! Just Sekiryu! If you have any other questions about this odd thing they have! Ask me! I'll be happy to answer!!!)

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