Chapter 34 | Siren Intervention

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---June 3rd, 1942---

---Cowpens Point Of View---

Diving down from the skies! Aircraft break from cloud cover! Revealing themselves to an unsuspecting enemy! An enemy seeking to instead be catching us by surprise! We knew their exact location! We knew where the attack would come, and our Submarines patrolling day and night had shadowed them, to ensure we knew EXACTLY where to strike! Cresting the horizon! Yorktown commands unto the Battleship division! "FIREEEEE!" All hell breaks lose! 406mm shells exit the Iowa's, the North Carolina's, and a number of there sized main caliber shells unleash from battleship vessels! Such as New York and California! Racing in ahead of Yorktown, escort vessels like Portland, Hamman, Sims, my sisters! and more! On my left! The Yorktown family, amongst them, my wife right at my side, on my right! My sisters and my brothers Kentucky and Matthews, whom was converted over to AA Tender! All main guns replaced to fight off air targets! To escort, and to carry spare aircraft for the fleet!

The enemy! Startled, and thrown into panic! They've became the ones with their pants caught down! Planes rapidly are launched by the enemy! Anti aircraft fire is late to begin firing, and when it does! It's inaccurate! They are slow and struggle to get everyone azured and make they're over all size and profile smaller! Planes throw off Anti Ship unguided rockets, and 500-1000LB deck piercing naval bombs! Out of the gates! We watch as a heavy cruiser is sent up in a blaze! Turrets fly off into the skies! Gazers of flames! They didn't azur fast enough! They didn't even know! The enemy! As they are battered by battleship guns! Recognizes the location we race in from! Our dive bombers! Now turn course! Empty of payload! Race back to us to refuel and rearm! Enemy fighters give chase! No bombs loaded down! They want no more than to shoot them down out of rage! The enemy! Only 2 battleships strong! Fires back, heavy cruisers join in! As they fire unto us! We, the carriers take the brunt! We will not sacrifice our speed! We must take advantage of the element of panic and surprise! Before they have the time to react effectively! So, we continue to take the lead! Our smaller ships! Heavy cruisers and light! Blast shells down range, shells from either side pass each other at the top of their arc, and plunge all around us and them!

HE & APBC slam into the ground around us! a 203mm HE shells finds Hornet's, it explodes, but doesn't cause damage, another shell finds Matthews, but a black and read tentacle lurches out of the waters, catching and drags the shell into the sea before it had the chance to touch him! One finds California's rigging and does nothing! The rest simply misses! "Hornet!!!?" I and Enterprise shout as a second wave of shells begin to plunge from the enemy light cruisers and destroyers! Hornet now blocking her upper body in preparation for the barrage, Hornet had no damn business being in this fight! Being over a month into her pregnancy! But high command deemed the mission to important to let her sit out! They needed all HIGHLY experienced and combat effective Fleet carriers on the task! The enemy had four carriers! We will be meeting them with an equal force! Hornet, I, E, and York have the most experience, and the highest kill count of the nation against sirens or active enemy vessels! It was a no brainer to command. "I'M FINE!"

 "I'M FINE!"

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