Chapter 31 | In Love

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---May 20th---

Tucking them into bed, as I sung a sailor song to sooth them into slumber. Gently running my hands through their hair, comforting and spoiling them. "Oh, I bid farewell to the port and the land. And I paddle away from brave England's white sands. To search for my long-ago forgotten friends. To search for the place, I hear all sailors ends. As the souls of the dead fill the space of my mind. I'll search without sleeping 'til peace I can find. I fear not the weather, I fear not the sea. I remember the fallen, do they think of me? When their bones in the ocean forever will be. Plot a course to the night to a place I once knew. To a place where my hope died along with my crew. So, I swallow my grief and face life's final test. To find promise of peace and the solace of rest. As the songs of the dead fill the space of my ears. Their laughter like children, their beckoning cheers. My heart longs to join them, sing songs of the sea. I remember the fallen, do they think of me? When their bones in the ocean forever will be.

When at last before my ghostly shipmates I stand. I shed a small tear for my home upon land. Though their eyes speak of depths filled with struggle and strife! Their smiles below say I don't owe them my life. As the souls of the dead fill the space of my eyes. And my boat listed over and tried to capsize! I'm this far from drowning, this far from the sea. I remember the living, do they think of me? When my bones in the ocean forever will be." I notice them fall into slumber, with gentle & loving smiles on their faces as they drift into sleep, thought I could have gotten away with only singing this far into my song, I show my love and care for them, and continue to sing till I finish the song! I owe them a million songs, and a million songs they will always be given. "Now that I'm staring down at the darkest abyss. I'm not sure what I want, but I don't think it's this. As my comrades call to stand fast and forge on. I make sail for the dawn 'til the darkness has gone. As the souls of the dead live for'er in my mind. As I live all the years that they left me behind. I'll stay on the shore but still gaze at the sea. I remember the fallen and they think of me. For our souls in the ocean together will be. I remember the fallen and they think of me. For our souls in the ocean together will be" Leaning forwards atop my knees, placing a kiss on each's forehead, one final pet across the head.

Before I stood up, and walked to the door, stepping out of the door, I peer back into the room, making sure they were still asleep, I smile softly, as I see them so peaceful in slumber. I flip the light off, and look to their night light, making sure it remained lit. It was, and so I gently close the door, then head for the bridge, to keep an eye on the flock through the night... I felt tired, tired as hell. I hadn't slept since the aircraft attack almost 30 hours ago! It's almost midnight! It's almost time to change the calendar to the 21st. But I felt it my job to ensure we're not caught pants down on our final nights at sea! Yawning deep into my hand, I reach the captains bridge. An stand in front the window, staring out at the silent, calm, and quiet night. No more storms, no more rain, calm winds, calm waters! Just a calm night! Finally. We'd see clear skies! An we'll have them all the way into port! I sway gently as I struggle with footing. I was barely keeping my eyes open. I yawn again, again, and again over a course of 30 minutes! I Yawn 9 times. Walking over to a chair, I pull it up to the window, I sit there, fighting the lust to pass the fuck out!!! But I stay awake! Another 30 minutes goes by, before I decide to just quietly sing.

"I've been roaming all my life and now I've found a lady wife. I'm staying, right here! Oh I won't go sailing any more I won't obey the ocean's call. By I'm staying, right here! I'll be a man of the land. I'll be a man of the trees. I'll be a man wherever my woman will be. I won't be any captain's mate. I won't be servant of the seas. 'Cause this pretty little woman is all I need. At 14 I was cabin boy to fearsome Captain Buckleroy. I'm staying, right here! When I was sick he ordered cat 'o nine, until I said that I felt fine. I'm staying, right here! I'll be a man of the land. I'll be a man of the trees. I'll be a man wherever my woman will be. I won't be any captain's mate. I won't be servant of the seas' Cause this pretty little woman is all I need. At 20 I manned our crow's nest and captain said I was the best. I'm staying right here! But I nearly lost my eyes to God just lookin' out for old Cape Cod. I'm staying right here! I'll be a man of the land. I'll be a man of the trees. I'll be a man wherever my woman will be. I won't be any captain's mate. I won't be servant of the seas'Cause this pretty little woman is all I need. At 25 no man alive could match my skill for gunnin. 'I'm staying right here! But the Captain he got drunk one night and sank the blasted cannon. I'm staying right here! I'll be a man of the land. I'll be a man of the trees. I'll be a man wherever my woman will be. I won't be any captain's mate. I won't be servant of the seas'Cause this pretty little woman is all I need. Captain died at twenty eight and by then I was his first mate. I'm staying, right here! Well they tried to give me his command but I was hungry for the land.

I'm staying, right here! I'll be a man of the land. I'll be a man of the trees. I'll be a man wherever my woman will be I won't be any captain's mate I won't be servant of the seas'Cause this pretty little woman is all I need Stepped ashore at Felixstowe and made for Bristol by the road I'm staying, right here! Well, I fell in love when first I saw her Avon County's finest daughter And now, she's got me staying right here a-way! I'll be a man of the land I'll be a man of the trees I'll be a man wherever my woman will be I won't be any captain's mate I won't be servant of the seas'Cause this pretty little woman is all I need I'll be a man of the land I'll be a man of the trees I'll be a man wherever my woman will be I won't be any captain's mate I won't be servant of the seas'Cause this pretty little woman is all I need" "It's always a treat to hear you sing" Royal Fortune comments, stepping inside the bridge room from outside on deck! I glance over, clearly, desperately tired. Yet a grin of joy, seeing her grew over. "The Hot Granny graces me with her presence once again~ To what do I owe you for?" I joked with some terrible attempt at older English. Shortly after, scolding me for my fighting of sleep! Helping me out of the chair, and guiding me back to my sleeping courters. She was aware, and not happy that I was pushing myself to stay awake! As she scolds me, as she helped, and walked me there. I couldn't help but recognize that she was treating me a lot like how I see couples acting towards each other. I gently rest my head against her shoulder as she walked me. Silently wondering if at this point we were dating, together, or just a couple of idiot friends in a state of limbo?

Glancing up at her with that tired, but flirty devious look, she pauses between scolding me, and blushes at me, looking ahead again. "Oh behave" helping me into the room, onto my bed, finishing up her scolding, as she finished, turning to leave. Immediately commenting rather teasingly. "Ahhh, I don't get a bedtime story~" turning back, she laughed at that for a moment or so. "You wanna hear a Pirate story?? Or~ maybe an adult story would be more to your tastes, huh? Hahahaha" boldly taking that joke further. "Oh? I can't refuse such an offer! But only if you're the one telling it!" Flustered, a deep blush, as she glanced away, and back onto me, a devious smile soon growing over. "Are we talking about a story still? Or are you just trying to get a peak?" I grin, smug and bold, despite my tiredness, still trying my dammest. "Maybe I'm looking for both~" Trying at a tone I didn't know I could produce, seductive in nature, she smiles, once more, she provides me a friendly reminder, as she blushed like a teenager getting asked out by her crush in high school. "You do remember! I'm hundreds of years older than you? Generations! Older-" Interrupting her rather rudely but toned in this seductive tone of flirtation. "An perhaps I see my women like wine? They get better with age~" "Such a courageous boy you are~" She mutters with a gentle biting of her lower lip. That did it in for her, reached over at the door, closing it, locking it, and walking back towards me. "Well~ If you're on board, Then I won't mind giving you a story you won't soon forget ♡"

---May 21st---

As we got back into our clothes, and ready for the morning, knocking comes at my door, the voice of my children worried over me not yet waking or seeing them! They wait patiently outside the door, I worry, maybe she wasn't ready for that yet to enter these childrens lives, we... where still a rather new couple, the likely hood we'll stay together is in the air as we continue to learn about the other, to be introduced so early, could.... But she picks up on it, and she assures me, grabbing my hand, and locking her fingers between them. "I am ready" She whispered, not wanting to alert them yet. I thought for a few seconds, I make a decision, as she and I release hands, I approach, and unlock the door, crouching down as I opened the door. It was time, that they have one they can call momma. Though I knew, they will have a rocky start, they are scared of her rigging, and so in turn, they are of her... But, in time... I know they will adapt. They are my strong little warriors. An I know they will overcome their fears.

---End Of Arc---

---End Of Chapter 31---

---Arc Begin: The Battle Of Midway---

The Shackles Of Affection | Male Warship | Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now