Chapter 23 | Withdrawl!!!

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Hello! I haven't Grammar checked the chapter yet!!! Read at your own risk! I'll fix it in the late afternoon tomorrow.

ALSO if the chapters not well received which it likely won't be. I'll rewrite it.

---Cowpens/Midway Point Of View---

Not moments later, Dreadnought Owari and Pre-dreadnought Ibuki walk into the view, off my left and right shoulder. A quarter mile between us. Armored Cruiser (Pre-Dreadnought) Nisshin moving in beside Ibuki, and Heavy cruiser Kako moving in with Owari. My eyes taken off Taihou, I look left, then right. Returning them back unto Taihou. Who laughs even more then before. Simply historical to the developing situation. Now, directly behind me! I hear a ping return! My Sonar systems detect a submarine! A large one!!! But no torpedoes launching. I glance down behind me, witnessing as I-13! Firing immediately from her catapults a surprise I wasn't expecting from a Submarine!!! A Aichi - M6A!! Loaded down with 2  250KG bombs! I grit my teeth, bursting my bow rigging into gladiator swords, tossing as I spun one directly for the aircraft left wing mounted bomb! Then the other towards I-13! At that time, Charging in! Closing the distance as fast as she could! Taihou pounces on my startle and confusion! Owari and Ibuki firing off their main caliber guns, whilst beginning to move in. And their escort cruisers staying close behind them preforming a support role! Notably not firing their main calibers just yet!!! My first sword slices into the nose of a bomb! Making it ignite, then explode, blowing the plane in two pieces! It splits and utterly misses me with both pieces crashing into the water as a flaming wreck! My other blade moves fast! Faster then she'd ever expected! A moment ago I only had a bow did she expect me to turn it to swords!? Did she expect me to throw one at her like this!? She only manages to fire off her 14cm deck gun! ]

The shell bashes underneath the arriving blade! Redirecting it away! It passes, and slices open a cut across her cheek! Distracted by the sword, to much so to notice I'd fired my multipurpose guns not a moment after the aircraft had exploded!!!! Eyes now fall unto them! An time slows down for her, HE tipped, If they hit! Her hull will be damaged! To much to remain water tight whilst submerged! It's death sentence to Submarines to remain atop the surface. She raises her arms to block, it's just to late! As my shells smash across her rigging, her body, her arms and stomach! Exploding! Owari and Ibuki's shells arrive! I dart my eyes left to right! I crouch down a small bit! And lift my rigging! Angle it as hard as I could! The shell that don't miss smash into my angled rigging armor! The angle so nasty the shells that do hit ricochet back into the skies again! I-13 is launched away! Violently across the battle field! With each bounce and roll atop the waves! Pieces of rigging breaking, upper plating on her sub rigging torn and thrown off! No longer water tight! An taking on water! Her state! Now critical! Spinning around, my distant blades burst into wisdom cubes! An flow towards my hands, as they arrive! Forming into a bow and arrow already strung! Firing an arrow in the skies above Ibuki!

One AM-1 loaded with two Tiny Tim Anti Ship unguided rockets (Bomb) strapped to each wing! The plane already at 300 feet, flips over atop it's back! Then dives! Completing it's spin as it enters a dive atop Ibuki and Nisshin! Immediately firing off it's 20mm AP rounds to pepper up the battlecruiser (Pre-dreadnought) and Armored cruiser! An moments later firing off its rockets towards the targets! The inaccurate rockets immediately break off course! Originally aimed up to hit Ibuki! They turn and twist in the air! Deviating towards Nisshin near the last seconds! Ibuki dodges before the odd characteristics of the unguided rockets become apparent! It appeared they wouldn't only meet him when he did! Nisshin for whatever reason! Didn't do the same! Until he realized the rockets change in course! It's to late! As he moved to dodge! One misses, and then the other slams into him!!! Piercing through his armor like a knife through butter! Then exploding. In that very moment! A mist of hydraulics, boiler steam! Wisdom cube fragments, and blood erupts in all directions of his original position! Ship rigging, parts, pieces, all set ablaze! Thunder off across the waves!

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