~Australia's Point of View~

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     I listened as Shelia told me what happened and how hurt she was. I looked deep into her emerald eyes, watching as the left one closed a millisecond after the right one as emotions held the words prisoner in her throat. I reached for her hand assuring her that she didn't have to continue, that we could switch subjects.

     With a sigh and smile of relief she changed subjects. "So, Auzzie, our final competition is coming up, you excited?"

     "Yeah," I smiled "shame we're the only people on the team that are going though."

     "Well everyone that had the times either forget its a competition and starts to float, or have another competition on that day."

     Right before I could respond my brother loudly set his tray down. " 'Ello brother, Miss. Hungary. I hope he wasn't bothering you." New Zealand smiled.

     "Oi! Oi! I wasn't bothering her! In fact we were having a lovely conversation until you interrupted me." I said defensively.

     "So long as it was only you, I'm fine with that." He pulled an innocent smile, the cheeky bastard.

     "Oi! Don't give me that smile little brother of mine!" I smirked (half) playfully putting him in a head lock.

     "S-stop, you're going to get us in trouble!" He whined.

     Hungary giggled at our brotherly nonsense, sending me into a daze.

     "Oi! You two cut it out!" England shouted, but all I could think about was how lovely Hungary was.

aphsey~ Geez I'm sorry. I just realized that Auzzie's chapters are short, but he is there a lot, gets lots of me love. Whelp I'm about to right the next chapter, I hope you guys like it.

                                                                                                                                                  Love and fishes,


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