~ 'MURICA!'s Point of View~

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     I looked in front of me, glad to have Prussia by my side. Well not literally, but I'm still glad that we talked it all out and that we're all good now.

     Denmark, Russia, Ireland, Prussia, Holland, Scotland, Italy, and Sweden were clustered in front of me. Denmark to my far left, Italy and Sweden to my far right.  North and Wales behind me. We were covered. We were covered pretty damn well. With Australia gone Italy had to take his place. Damn we were covered at every-end. The only one open was Italy. It had to be a running play. I looked back at North and Wales, they nodded reading my mind. They were ready. We could do this.

     "Down." A simple running play.

     "Set." We can do this.

     "Hike!" The ball was in my hand. I just have to hand it off.

     Damn I must be crazy. I took the ball and sent it on a spiral. "Italy! Catch it! Just pretend its Pasta!" The kid ran for it, avoiding the other team like the plague.

     He caught it.

     He actually caught it!

     "Now run Feli! Run like there's a really hot girl at the end!" He only got a little faster. I thought he liked girls? He's always flirting with them.

     "And England's behind you!" Prussia called trying to catch up with him. He freaking ran like his life depended on it.

     "And that's the game. The World Wide Heroes are going home with the gold!" Holy shit! The announcer was right! Touchdown! Touchdown! Boom bitches!

     "I have to say George, this game went without a hitch."

     "That's right Bill, their first game without injury."

     "Although it seems that the Heroes competitors get to leave virtually unscathed. There's been an injury at World Wide Academy's hockey game."

     "That's right. It seems a Matthew Williams was blindsided, and is currently unresponsive. He is still breathing, here's hoping that he'll pull through."

     "He's currently being treated at the local hospital."

     My foot flew as the ball sore landing the extra point. No one bothered lining up for the next play. The time was gone, the game was over. We won but-

     "It looks like Gilbert Beilschmidt, number 9, is literally running to the busses."

     "The students are running onto the field and it looks like he just wants to get out of here, Bill."

     "Gil!" I called "Gil, where are you going?"

     "To see my birdie!"

aphsey~ Woo! Might write the next chapter, but its long so it probably won't be up till tomorrow. After that it'll all caught up. Summer vacation is here, so it'll be ok to expect more ;P Hope you guys like it.

                                                                                                                                                                                Love and fishes,


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