Australia's point of view

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        America had us all standing in a straight line on the field as he walked back and forth like some sort of drill sergeant.

        "All right men! We will first talk positions, then I'll whip you all straight into shape! As a good man once said 'Somehow I'll make a man out of you!' " He just quoted a Disney movie, so he won't be that tough, right?

        "So I'll obviously be the quarterback, because I'm the hero! Prussia and Australia will be our wide reccievers, runningbacks'll be North and Wales, Ireland and Holland will be our gaurds, Scotland and Russia are tackles, and Sweden and Denmark are the tight ends. Unfortunately Germany couldn't join us because... he didn't want to, luckly Italy still wants to be water boy." I looked at the others. Everyone seemed either done with his pacing, bored, or amused.

         "So! Now that that's established let's get started! Ten laps! Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go!" We all made our way to the track and started to jog lightly. That's when I saw her. Although she was wearing the same gym uniform as the other girls, she definitely stood out with her long chocolatey brown hair, emerald green eyes, and flawless skin, Hungary was as beautiful as ever.

        "Come on maggot!" America yelled. "You wanna be an airforce ranger! You wanna live a life of danger! You wanna drive an ocean liner, you wanna f-"

        "Ready? Ok!" Hungary started the girls in a cheer. Maybe one of these games she'll notice me.

aphsey~ Volia, another chapter, and it hasn't even been a month yet :P So, what do you guys think? Oh, and p.s. you guys do know that this is a sequel right? Anyway au revoir, untill next time.

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