~ Prussia's Point of View~

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     I ran faster than Old Fritz and Hans. I jumped into my car and drove off like I was Vin Diesel. I had to see Birdie, I had to make sure he was ok. I had to make sure he knows how I feel, if he still felt the same.

     I ran to the reception desk, scaring the young woman there. Her blonde hair reminded me of Birded, but she had green eyes.

     "I'm here to see Matthew Williams." I panted.

    She recovered from her initial shock and types at the computer in front of her. "He was admitted about three hours ago. The doctors should been done with him, but if you could have a seat over there for a few minutes so I can confirm this."

     I sat down and for the first time I realized that I was still wearing everything down to the cup. I was too nervous to focus on it. Too nervous to focus on anything.

     God I hope he's ok. He has to be ok. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him- if he wasn't. "Sir? Sir." The blonde waved pulling me out of my chaotic thoughts. "You can go see him now. He's in room 312, down the hallway on your right." I nodded and mumbled a small 'thank you' as I rushed to see Birdie.

     He looked like he was peacefully sleeping from afar, but when I got closer I could see he was in a trouble state of unconsciousness. Almost as if he was fighting off a nightmare. Thankfully, he wasn't too banged up, just a few bruises and scratches, nothing too bad. But I will have whoever did this, for hurting my Birdie. I walked over to his bedside and held his hand, happy to hear the steady beat of the monitor, happy to see the rise and fall of his chest. I smiled thanking God that my little Birdie would be ok.

     Then, all so suddenly he relaxed, and his eyes fluttered open. He looked over, giving me a puzzled look. "Al?" his soft and perfect voice asked.

     I chuckled and took of my helmet with my free hand. "Nien, libeling. It's me."

     He looked even more confused, and moved his hand away. "Prussia, right?"

     I was speechless, no breathless. Was he --- no, he couldn't be serious. "You --- don't remember me?"

     "We're in math and bio together, right?"

     Time stood still. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It all felt too familiar. The same crushing feeling in my heart. I could feel it breaking. After what felt like an eternity of silence, Al came in holding Birdie's hockey bag.

     "Well," I said getting up to leave. "I guess I'll leave you two alone. I hope you feel better Canada." not a word didn't cut deep into my heart.  As I passed America, as stealthily as I could I took the note that was sticking outside of Birdie's  bag and whispered to the younger nation. "He doesn't remember me." And without lingering any longer I left the room.

     "Wait, Prussia!" I was already down the hallway when America called me. "Why don't you just tell him?" the young nation naïvely asked. I paused for a second The same reason I didn't tell West.

     "Prussia?" Austria looked up when I walked into the dorm. "You're home early, did Canada not want to be 'invaded' by the 'awesome' you?"

     "Shut up!" I shouted as I ripped off my iron cross necklace and threw it in the trash bin with Bird- Canada's note. I didn't feel brave. I didn't feel brave or strong at all.

aphsey~ Hey sorry this chapter took a bit longer. We're almost at a close, it should be coming soon, but first I need to write it up since I write all of the chapters in a note book, then type it up. That sentence doesn't look right, but I'm a bit lazy right now :P I hope you guys like it, and keep a look out for "Junior Year- Hetalia" I'll try to start it soon ;)

                                                                                                                                Love and fishes,


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