Chapter 1

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Luna's POV

Today I woke up really early. I gotta head out to the airport soon and I barely got my bags fully packed. I swear I'm sleeping the entire flight. I didn't even get any good sleep last night because my boyfriend Haneul was awake playing his game ALL FREAKING NIGHT!!! Like sir, we literally gotta be on a flight in the next few hours and you wanna play the game with your boys. Ugh, men and their priorities am I right? Anyways I just finished packing my last bag and it's so freaking heavy. I had to sit on it just to close it (smirks in big booty gyallll 🤭). I swear this dumpy is astronomical, but that's besides the point. FOCUS LUNA!

"Haneul, you finished packing yet? We gotta leave in like ten minutes. It's 6:23 a.m., the flight's at 7:45"  I yelled to my boyfriend from across the apartment. He was still in the bathroom getting all his smell goods and making sure he didn't leave any of his expensive cologne out from his bags.

"Seriously babe you gotta stop with the time watching, we'll make it there way before we gotta get on the plane. You're so extra. Calm down for once. You always make these happy events so fucking draining" he said with an annoyed tone.

"Fine, whatever I just wanted to make sure we weren't gonna be late but if you wanna be a smart ass then you can just drive your own self to the airport" I yelled to him but kinda kept that last part a whisper so he wouldn't hear me.

 I just want this day to go smoothly. Moving across the world can be complicated, especially if we leave something here and we can't get it back. Haneul came from the bathroom and went to retrieve all his luggage. He only has two bags meanwhile I have four. He ended up shoving most of his clothes in my bags so he wouldn't have to buy more luggage so I had to give some clothes away because everything wouldn't fit. It's ok though because I'm planning on spending a pretty penny at some cute clothing boutiques when I get to Korea so I'm not complaining too much.

As we finish making sure everything is packed, I look around at our empty apartment. Tears are filling my eyes as I reminisce one last time before I go. I can't believe I have to part ways with my first apartment. It was everything a girl in her first years of college could've dreamed of. It was a nice size for me a Haneul to stay in together. It has two bedrooms, a semi-large kitchen with just enough space for everything I need to cook and store things, and it has this darling living room with the comfiest couch I ever sat on. Imma miss this place so badly. I tilted my head up to keep the tears from escaping my eyes when I heard a huge laugh from in front of me.

"AHAAAA, you seriously can't be crying over a stupid apartment right? This old dump will not be missed. That's why I got us an upgrade in Korea. Quit your crying before I give you something to cry about"  Haneul said as he lifted my chin to look me in my eyes.

 I gave him a stank face before I rolled my eyes at him. I don't even have the time nor the energy to argue about something like this ESPECIALLY when I have no source of caffeine in my system. I gave the apartment one last look around before heading out the door. We made it to the airport with just a few minutes to spare for a much-needed coffee run before we have to board our plane. Haneul has been on his phone the entire time we've been here so I didn't bother asking what he wanted from the cafe. Going up to the line in the airport cafe, I look around for a menu. It was my turn next in line when all of a sudden the person in front of me turns so quickly and bumps into me spilling their coffee all over my plane ride outfit (it was so cute and fashionable. My poor little heart breaks for this coffee stain that I know won't come out 😪🤧). I gasped really loudly when I felt the iced Americano spill over my top.

"OMG, OMG, SO COLD," I said loudly

"I am so sorry. Oh my goodness I swear I didn't mean to" said this tall figure.

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