Chapter 20

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It's been a while since I've last seen Luna. We've kept in contact but not enough to feel like old times. I glance at the clock next to me and see it's ten in the morning. I look at the empty space in my bed and a wave of sadness hits me as I remember the sleepovers me and Luna had. I loved waking up to her in my embrace. Seeing her first thing in the morning jumped started my day for me. I get a call from my phone and see my brother is calling. 

"Noona, you got time to come in today?" he asks. Oh crap, I forgot I'm going in for a checkup. I inhale and cover my eyes with my free hand.


"Yah, did you forget again," 

"Of course not," I said in a high-pitched voice with a giggle. 

"I will personally drag you of out bed to get here myself Noona," 

"I'm on my way ok, such a meany butt," I said with a fake cry then laughing.

"Health before anything," 

"Yeah yeah, I'm on my way. You want me to pick up lunch?"

"I mean if you're treating, I'm eating," he said then laughing. I tell him ok and hang up the phone to get ready for the day. An hour later, I was dressed and headed out the door. I went to go pick up some food and then to his office. 

"Noona," he said before hugging me while lifting me up from the ground. 

"Your favorite sister is here to bless you with her presence," I said handing him his drink. We walk to one of the reserved wards and he gives me a check-up. After I was finished we went to his office.

"Ok, stay here for a few minutes, I gotta go do something really quick," he said before heading out the door leaving me alone in his office. I always liked being in here, the vibes were very cozy for a doctor's office. I decided to go behind his desk and observe some things. Every time I come here, I get nosy and go through some of his things and computer, lol. I was eating the lunch I had brought and skimming some papers on his desk when I came across a familiar name. Only the first name was visible but I knew it was her. Not many people in Korea had the name Luna. 

I pull the paper out curious as to why she had a file in his recent stacks. I skimmed over a few lines until I read the date this was made. It was only two weeks ago, what the heck? I flipped the pages to see what was going on and read the description. Why in the world did she have surgery? She never mentioned anything about this to me. 

My brother comes back in the room and sees me snooping in his stuff with Luna's file in my hand.

"I told you not to look in this stuff anymore, these are for the discretion of our patients," he said before shooing me out of his seat to go sit in the visitor seat across from him. 

"Why did Luna have surgery?" I said reading more of the paper in my hand. He goes to grab the paper in my hand but I tug my arm back so he couldn't reach it. 

"You knew she had surgery a few months ago Noona," he said before sighing

"This wasn't a few months ago Dae Hyun, this was two weeks ago. Why was she here and why did she need surgery?" I asked getting a little more annoyed that he wasn't giving me the answers I wanted. 

"Look, I was out during that time so I had no idea she had surgery, all I knew was that her name was on the check-in list when I came back. She checked in a couple hours before my plane landed here," he said. 

"Have you not talked to her about it?" He asked.

"We've talked but she told me she was out of the country for a while back then so I'm trying to figure out when she had time to go from surgery to flying out of the country," I said rubbing a hand through my hair.

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