Chapter 4

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***WARNING: Mentions of SA in this chapter***

Luna's POV

Haneul has been driving us back to the apartment for about 15 minutes now. It's been pretty silent so far. He keeps muttering cuss words under his breath but I catch them all. I feel super embarrassed about what just happened in the parking lot, especially in front of Bada. I truly didn't know how to respond to anyone in that moment because I just felt so vulnerable and shy to speak out after being yelled at in public. I really wished she hadn't witnessed what happened because now, I'm sure things will be awkward with Bada and me. It sucks to have this happy day ruined like this. Like I was just having one of the best days in my life and now I gotta deal with a moody boyfriend who doesn't even give me a reason why he's so upset. I keep trying to ask him what's wrong but he just keeps his eyes on the road and drives in silence. 

We finally make it to our apartment and he parks the car and hops right out without even looking at me. Seriously, what the hell did I do to make him act like this? Me and Bada weren't even gone that long when we went to the store. He slammed his door shut and I just stayed in the car for a moment before walking out. He took the elevator without me so I had to wait until it came back down to ride to our floor. I walk inside our apartment only to see Haneul on the phone with someone in the kitchen. He doesn't even acknowledge my presence as I keep my head down and go straight to our room. I decided to take a long shower and relax. When I was about to head to the bathroom, Haneul came into the room with such an expression I'd never seen on him before. 

"Make sure you get ready for tonight. And don't make us late" was all he said until he stormed out of the apartment. I inhaled trying to hold back the tears in my eyes as I walked into the bathroom to turn the shower on. I truly didn't know what was going on and it hurt me that he was taking whatever was wrong with him out on me. As I stepped into the shower I just tried to clear my mind about this and try to relax. My mind goes back to just a few hours ago when I was dancing with Bada while on our break. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing her so happy while we danced. She is such an amazing and kind person to be around and she's such an amazing choreographer. Then my mind goes back to me dancing with all the girls and how happy we were together. Now I'm smiling like a crazy person as I miss the feeling of just a few hours ago. Crazy how Haneul changed my mood so quickly though. I'm contemplating on whether to go out with him tonight, especially if he keeps giving me this silent treatment and being mad at me. He is not going to humiliate me in front of people. 

I finished up my shower after about thirty minutes. I stayed in there longer to just sing to the music that was playing on the speaker in the bathroom. I went out to the bedroom to get some lounge clothes while I was wrapped in my towel. I came out to the door to our bedroom which was wide open. I didn't think anything of it than that Haneul came back and forgot to close the door. Until I heard some whistles and shouts of a few older men. I froze up thinking our apartment got broken into and I tried my best to reach for my bag with the pepper spray and taser. But then I saw Haneul exit the kitchen with beers in his hand. I glare at him and tell him to come in the room so we can talk.

"What the literal fuck Haneul. Why are those men in our apartment?" I screamed shouted so that he could know I was mad but not make a big scene. 

"What are you getting so worked up for, I just bought a couple of friends over before the outing tonight. You make everything such a big deal. Calm the fuck down" he said acting so nonchalant.

"How can I calm down when those guys just saw me practically naked? Imagine how I feel right now. I thought they broke in here or something. You could've at least told me you were having people over so I would've known. And why the fuck would you keep our bedroom door open so wide knowing I was showering in here. What is actually wrong with you?" I said with tears in my eyes. I could see him getting annoyed.

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