Chapter 45

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I jumped out of my sleep to the sound of screams. But not just anyone's screams, my Luna's screams. Tatter woke up frighted next to me rubbing the sleep out of her eyes wondering what's going on.

"Just stay here alright," I tell her.

"But that sounded like Luna," she said worried.

"I know so just stay here. I got it handled," I said a bit more sternly. I didn't want everyone to barge in on Luna in a vulnerable state like this and I am ninety percent positive Luna wouldn't want them to know about this either.

So I hurried out of bed and rushed to our bedroom down the hall. When I get in there, I find Luna curled up with her knees to her chest on the bed crying. My heart breaks so much for her. Kirsten and Audrey are beside her trying to soothe her but I can see how scared they are.

"I'm sorry" Luna's small voice says through her soft sobs. I quickly go over to the side of the bed a kneel down so I was in her view.

"Hey, hey. It's alright baby. It's alright," I say wiping her tears away. She looks up at me with wet, red eyes then she looks around the room. I can see it on her face how embarrassed she is because all the girls were waiting at the door wondering what's going on.

"Could you all go wait downstairs please? Let me talk to her," I tell them and they all nod except Kirsten. She seems so adamant on staying with her sister right now which I understand but I'm not sure how Luna will feel.

"Can Kirsten stay?" I ask Luna softly. She looks up at Kirsten and more tears fill her precious eyes. But she nods her head in agreement.

"Luna?" Kirsten says quietly but Luna doesn't look up at her. Instead she pulls her knees closer to herself and hides her face. She keeps repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over again.

"You don't have to be sorry Lulu," Kirst says coming to hug Luna.

"It was just a nightmare baby. I promise you, you are safe now okay? No one can get to you anymore," I tell her as I stroke the back of her hand soothingly.

"I know. I just feel stupid. I was tired and fell asleep but the nightmare happened again and everyone heard and saw me. They must all think I'm a nut now huh?" She asks in such a sad voice that I can't help but get teary eyed.

"Absolutely no one thinks that Luna. We just wanna make sure you're okay" Kirsten says.

"But what if I'm not okay? What if after everything that happened I really am broken. When I woke up from the coma, I thought that everything would be fine and I could just forget about my past. But then that letter he sent me fucked me over," she says getting mad at herself.

"That letter changes nothing Luna," I tell her but I can see her expression change to disbelief.

"It changes nothing? I killed someone's father Bada. I-I fucked some kids life up because of what I did. He can never get this back," she tells me hurt. But Kirsten turns Luna's body to face her.

"You were going to die Luna. Die! Do you understand that? He came to that house to kill you and he wasn't going to leave until it happened. You protected yourself. This wasn't murder Luna, it was self defense so no matter how you look at it, that child loosing his father will never be your fault. Ever! This might be shitty of me to say but, Haneul got what was coming to him. He put himself in that position and knew one way or another, he could never see that child again. If he had killed you, it would've sent him to a life sentence in prison. The kid would've lost his father either way." Kirst says.

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