Chapter 11

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We made our way out of the dance studio. Bada told me she didn't drive here so we took my car. 

"Luna" Bada said while playfully jumping behind me.

"Can I drive?" she asked as she jumped in front of me. She started batting her eyelashes and brought her hands together pleadingly. I could tell she was trying to act cute so I wouldn't say no. Lol, now I gotta play with her just a little. 

"Umm, I don't know. I don't usually let new drivers drive my baby." I said teasingly. Her hands went to her chest in shock. 

"New driver? Baby, I bet I can drive circles around you," she said trying to sound all macho. I rolled my eyes playfully and took out my keys from my bag. I was about to give them to her but decided to keep teasing her. I held the keys up in the air trying to get her to reach them. Of course that plan backfired. The girl's like a WNBA player to me. She was able to touch my hand but I quickly moved them behind my back to make it harder. 

"Ahh, so we're doing this hmm?" she said while trying to take the keys. I ran all around the parking lot and she chased me. I ran to my car to try and quickly unlock it but she was too fast. I was literally so close to winning lol. Like my fingers were on the driver's door. When she caught up to me, I made sure to put the keys behind my back again. Now I was positioned with my back against the car door and her towering over me. 

"Just admit it, you lost love," Bada exclaimed in a cool manner like she was 'that girl', I mean she is BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT, STAND YOUR GROUND LUNA.

"Haven't lost yet," I said holding the keys tightly behind my back. Bada reached around with her right hand to my back to try and take the keys. She was so close in front of me but with our height difference, her lips were touching my forehead. When she saw I wouldn't let go of the keys, she brought her head down so we were at eye level with each other. Her face was just inches apart from mine. I could feel her breathing on me. 

"Go ahead and surrender to me, hmm?" she said in a cocky tone as she brought her left hand to lift my chin up. I was too flustered at the moment to see that she took the keys from my hand. She dangled them in front of my eyes and I came back to reality. I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the space where she was hovering over me. 

"Ugh I hate you," I said playfully as I made my way around to the passenger side. 

"You know you love me Luna. Now you can be my passenger princess. Just sit back and relax love." Bada said as she got into the driver's seat. When we got in, Bada started the car. She adjusted the seat and mirrors so it was perfect for her height and we set off. The way she looks driving really has me winded. The sleeves of her jacket are rolled up on her arms and she has a black cap on. She's steering with her right arm so I got a perfect view of her at this moment. Wow, did it just get hot in here for anybody else or is it just me? I swear this girl is a walking thirst trap.  I go to adjust the air and she notices.

"You hot?" she asked. I almost choked on air when she asked me. Like duh miss thirst trap, you kinda sucked all the ac out of the vehicle. 

"Oh just a little," I coughed to not sound like I was just checking her out. 

"So, Miss Lee, where exactly are we going?" I asked hoping to change the subject so she wouldn't see me flustered. 

"It's a surprise. All I'll tell you is that there's amazing food and they make these delicious mocktails because I know you don't drink. I think you'd love it there." Bada said. I was shocked she remembered I don't drink alcohol. She is truly a best friend. Ugh I could just hug her super tight right now, but I'll refrain so we don't get in an accident. Best belive though, when we get out of the car, she will be attacked with a hug. 

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