Chapter 29

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When we made it to Bada's house, all of us were super excited for the night to come. While we were in the car, we did a bunch of karaoke and partied until we got to the house.

I was surprised Bada joined in though because I didn't think she'd be that comfortable around the girls but she's definitely one of us. Well, she did know the girls while they were on that show together so I guess she has been comfortable around them.

"Wow Bada, your house is beautiful," Ling said and all the girls nodded and awed in agreement.

"Thank you, thank you. Make yourselves at home," Bada said putting her shoes away and leading us all towards the living room.

"Ok, so what's the food situation looking like?" Latrice asks.

"I'm good with anything, what about you Bada?" I ask making sure she gets some food she wants.

"Anything is fine for me too. Hey I'll be right back, imma change into some other clothes. You guys want me to bring some clothes for you all to change into?" she asks the girls.

"Yes please if that's alright," Kirsten says politely.

"Of course, I'll be back in a few," Bada says running upstairs.

"Uhh, I'll go help her get the clothes. You guys order the food okay?" I say to them as I head upstairs to find Bada.

"Baby," I whispered shouted to Bada in the dimly lit bedroom. I was about to fall over on the ottoman when a pair of hands grabbed me from behind and I dropped into her lap.

"How'd I know you'd follow me up here?" she says with a cocky tone. I mentally roll my eyes at how good she can read me but I'm happy that she knows me so well.

"What can I say, I can't get enough of you, my love," I say wrapping my arms around her neck as she lifts me up and places me on the bed. Bada goes into the closet to grab a bunch of clothes for everyone to change into then comes back to the bedroom.

"Imma take a quick shower. Take these to the girls for me please," she says but I can't help but feel the hot tension from earlier in the bathroom right now.

"Do I gotta," I said seductively as I glided my foot up the middle of her legs. She takes in a deep breath but catches my foot before it comes into contact with the 'target' I had my eye on. She gently glides her hands along my leg as she comes closer to me and bends down to my ear.

"Behave," she says then kisses the side of my cheek softly and I let out a little pout.

"How have the tables turned like this exactly? Just last night, I was the one asking to see you change and now here you are," she says shaking her head and I laugh at the irony. Wow, we surely have switched roles. Usually, I'd be the one to say no to all the sexual shenanigans but right now I feel like I'm in heat after what went down today. I gotta calm down 😫.

"Fine fine fine. Go take your shower. I'll bring the girls their clothes and we'll order food. Are you sure there isn't anything in particular you want to eat?" I asked again just in case she didn't want to be rude earlier.

"Umm, maybe tell them to throw in a few spicy rice cakes. I haven't had some in a while and I'm kinda craving them," she tells me and I happily nod in agreement.

"Of course my sweet darling," I say getting up but before she could leave my sight, I smack her gently on the ass and she gasps.

"Luna Oakley, keep your hands to yourself," she says playfully as she starts to blush and I throw my hands up in defense as I rush out of the room making sure to take the clothes with me.

As I make my way downstairs, I see the girls in the living room with their phones out deciding which restaurants to order from, and yes plural restaurants, emphasizing on the 'S'. We're gonna order from at least five different places for dinner and at least three other places for desserts.

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