Chapter 32

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It's been about five hours of Bada and I doing our activities for the day. After we finished painting, we did a good hour of reading together, then we went to make some jewelry. Bada and I made matching bracelets for each other then we both secretly made a necklace for one another.

Bada may not know this but she definitely has a creative side. Her necklace came out so beautiful and I will most definitely be wearing it 24/7 now. She made it to match the rings we got together when we went to that village by the cabin.

My necklace for her on the other hand looked like something her siblings would make. I was going for the "DIY" unique look but it went more towards the preschooler project vibe. I told her I'd remake it because it wasn't my best but she declined and took it with love.

For a girl who makes jewelry as a hobby, I totally flopped today. She should see the collections of beads and charms I have stored then she'd know I could make jewelry.

Sucks all my equipment is still at the apartment. I seriously need to get one of my big muscular friends to go and get my things out one of these days.

After we finished with the activities for the day, Bada made me a delicious dinner and it was finally time for me and my ice cream to connect on a personal level.

"Oh how I've missed you, my love," I say staring at the bowl of ice cream in front of me dearly.

"But I've been with you all day," Bada says confused. She must not know who I'm talking to right now.

"I was talking to my beloved bowl of chocolatey goodness Bada. You're interrupting a very intimate moment right now," I say giving my bowl the googley eyes. Ice cream has a very special place in my heart.

Bada bursts out laughing at my ridiculousness and holds her hands up in surrender.

"I'm so sorry I interrupted such a special moment. Please proceed," she says. And with that, I take a spoonful of ice cream and eat the delicious cold treat. As soon as it touched my mouth, I let out a moan and Bada laughed even harder, almost falling out of her seat.

"You did not just moan at ice cream," she says in hysterics as she holds her side from laughing too hard.

"But it's just so good," I whine. Definitely should've eaten this by myself somewhere. Now she's judging me for getting all personal with my ice cream.

"No judging. I've been craving this since forever. I'm sure your favorite food makes you act the same way," I say in defense.

"Ok, ok, eat up. Me and the tub of ice cream are sister-wives at this point," she says patting my head and I giggle at the thought. At least she knows I'm in a strong committed relationship with ice cream, so a win is a win 😌💅.

When we finished eating our ice cream, it was getting really late so Bada and I decided to head up and get ready for bed.

"Imma go take a shower alright," I tell Bada because I never got to finish my bath earlier. Bada stares at me for a moment then nods her head.

"Okay," she says softly. I can tell she's still thinking about what happened earlier. Of course she's thinking about it. I literally traumatized the girl.

"I'll just be a few minutes," I say slowly walking into the bathroom. I decided not to lock the door just in case she wanted to come and check on me.


As Luna stepped into the bathroom, I don't know, something in me just can't bear to leave the room. I sat on the edge of the bed as I heard her start her shower. What happened earlier today really changed something in me. Seeing her underwater like that knocked the air out of my body. Although I know she'd never do anything like that on purpose, I can't but help be a bit more protective. I don't want to monitor her per se, but I just need to ease my mind, so I stay close to the bathroom door.

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