Chapter 10

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Luna's POV

It's been a few days since I've come home from the hospital. I've been on bedrest ever since and have been working towards a full recovery. My body still aches a little but not anything that'll keep me from my daily life anymore. It has been about five days since I last saw Haneul. He came home one night and packed a bag. After that, I haven't heard anything from him. It's a bittersweet feeling when it comes to him, I still couldn't get over what he did to me but he was my boyfriend and childhood best friend. It hurt me to see this side of him after almost twenty years together. I'm quite glad he's been gone though because it'll give both of us a chance to collect our thoughts and feelings about this situation, so hopefully we can have a serious talk when he comes back. I decided not to try to reach out to him, he'll come home whenever he's ready and then we'll talk.

Bada hasn't tried to reach out either. It's been over a week since our little argument but I don't blame her for not wanting to talk to me. If I were her, I would leave me alone for good too after acting like a bitch to a person who wanted nothing more than to help me. The guilt has been eating me alive though, I can't lie. I ended up spacing out for minutes just thinking about her reaction when I told her to leave me alone. I had hurt her and it made me so angry at myself for hurting someone so nice and kind.

--- 2 WEEKS LATER ---

It's been about two weeks since I've been recovering. My body is basically back to brand spanking new. I can even pop a twerk every now and then just to see if I still got it (I do 😌💅). Over the span of these few weeks, nothing new has really happened. Kirsten and the girls have been visiting me non-stop whenever they have time, so it's been great having them around. About a week after I left the hospital, Haneul finally came back home. We had a serious talk for like an hour of me voicing my opinion on the situation trying to understand why he did what he did to me.

He stayed silent most of the time with the occasional 'I'm sorry', 'I will never do that again', and 'I love you'. We kind of just been living in our own spaces in the apartment ever since. I haven't felt comfortable sleeping in the same room as him yet, so I've turned the guest room into my little bedroom. It's smaller than the master bedroom but I'm not complaining. Whenever the girls come over, I make sure to take everything out of the guest room so they don't get suspicious as to why I'm staying in there. The less questions, the better.

Today's the day I make a comeback into the dancing world after my "accident". To say I'm extremely nervous would be an understatement. I've stayed in contact with the girls from Bebe but me and Bada have been avoiding each other. All anyone knows about me is that I was injured and took a few weeks to heal. I kept anything from the media short and simple because I didn't need anyone all in my business. It's almost twelve-thirty, and Bada's class starts at one o'clock so I'm getting ready right now. Instead of wearing any of my skimpier clothes that show a lot, I stuck to a sports bra, a black tank top, and a sweatshirt with some black joggers.

I still had a lot of scarring on my body so I was a little self-conscious when it came to outfits lately. I filled my dance bag with my pink hydro flask, some hair ties, and a pink towel. I also added some energy bars in case I got hungry later. After checking my bag, I grabbed my small purse and made my way to my car. I already had my daily dose of caffeine today so I didn't need to stop by a cafe and just went straight to the studio. As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw there weren't too many cars around which was odd. I was hoping and praying the other girls were here so it wouldn't be too awkward if it's just me and Bada.

But of course, my luck sucks and the universe is out to personally get me because when I walked into the studio room, she was the only one there. I let out a low curse under my breath because this meant I would have to face the consequences of my actions. I wouldn't be surprised if I fucked our entire relationship up after that scene in the hospital. Just the thought of her never wanting to talk to me again made my chest hurt. She was such an amazing person and it would break me to not have her in my life. But my dumb and traumatized ass always push the good people out of my life. Ugh I wish things weren't this complicated. She heard someone walk into the room and her eyes landed on me. I stilled my motion scared at what was to come.

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